Edmund Burke and American Conservatism
It has become a truism that modern American conservatism is revolutionary in the sense that it seeks to overturn the established order rather than to preserve it. “Reagan Revolution,” …
Gandhi’s Lesson for Today
(Photo: Wikimedia) In a soon-to-be published book entitled Gandhi and the Unspeakable: His Final Experiments with Truth, Jim Douglass contrasts the deadly machinations of Gandhi's probable killers …
The Ideal Capital Gains Tax Reform
(Photo: Warren Buffett recently enraged the right by chastising Congress for “coddling” millionaires and billionaires. In a widely quoted op-ed, he urged lawmakers to "raise rates …
The “People’s Microphone“
As the “Audacity of Hope” leaches away from the reality-based community, Americans engaged in social movement activity are finally catching up with their brothers and sisters in other parts …
Transnational Peoples Movements Form to Respond to Transnational Injustice
An anti-government protester defaces a picture of Hosni Mubarak. (Photo: Antonello Mangano / Flickr) In an era where multinational corporations and linked international security networks exert increasing …
The Moral Question
We dodged another shut-down bullet, but only until November 18. That’s when the next temporary bill to keep the government going runs out. House Republicans want more budget cuts …
The Impossible Ideology of Free Trade
Why everything you think you know about economics is probably wrong (Part 2) Absolute and comparative advantage – the faulty premise behind the ideology of free trade …
The Men We Trusted to Lead Us Have Failed
Now he tells us. On Wednesday, Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke referred to the nation's unemployment rate as a “national crisis,” a depressing if obvious fact of …
How Baseball Explains Modern Racism
Despite recent odes to “post-racial” sensibilities, persistent racial wage and unemployment gaps show that prejudice is alive and well in America. Nonetheless, that truism is often angrily denied or …
‘Peak Oil’ Takes A Deadly Blow
I've never believed in “peak oil.” (The notion held with religious conviction by many on the left here, that world production is topping out — and will soon slide, …