The World Is Finally Fighting Off the Infection of Neoliberalism
The narrative seems simple enough: on December 18, 2010, Mohamed Bouazizi, an over-educated but under-employed Tunisian fruit seller, immolated himself in protest and died at the age of 26. …
Spotlight G20: Why We Need a Financial Transaction Tax
At the forthcoming G20 Summit (Cannes, 3-4 November 2011), the summit leaders are expected to address several policy issues concerning world economy and financial markets, many of which remained …
Occupy the Future
That the Occupy movement is unprecedented seems appropriate because this is an unprecedented era.
The Art of the Shakedown, From the Nile to the Potomac
A bit over an hour into the five-hour drive across the ferrous red plateau, heading south toward Uganda’s capital Kampala, suddenly, there’s the Nile, a boiling, roiling cataract at …
Let Herman Be Gone
Washington - Responding to his insurgent campaign's first crisis, Herman Cain was upbeat and defiant. "To quote my chief of staff and all the people around this country, 'Let …
Not Another “High-Tech Lynching“
Washington - It was inevitable, from the moment the story broke of sexual harassment allegations against Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain, that the parallels would be drawn to Supreme …
Occupy the Winter of Our Discontent
Can occupations survive a winter of global weirding, escalated police brutality, and the corporate media's venom? Should they? In some parts of the country there will be …
Sacred, Moral, Evil: Should Freethinkers Shun or Claim the Language of Spirituality?
On reading an early draft of Trusting Doubt, which looks at my old Evangelical beliefs from my current vantage as a nontheist, one reviewer commented, “This is a very …
Demand to Get the Money Out of Politics: A “One Demand” for Occupy Wall Street?
There is one problem with many of the excellent demands and proposals I have seen floated by those in the OWS movement, from re-instating Glass-Steagall, to ending the Federal …
The Significance of Occupy Wall Street
When Occupy Wall St. burst unexpectedly on the scene a mere month ago, many (and especially many in the mainstream media) had no idea what to make of it, …