Mortgage Servicers: Getting Away With the Perfect Crime?
In 2004, the FBI warned Congress of an “epidemic of mortgage fraud,” of unscrupulous operators taking advantage of a booming real estate market. Less than two years later, an …
Spotlight Durban: Climate Change Gets Personal
It’s that time of year again. This week marks the start of the 17th annual United Nations climate change conference, or Conference of Parties (COP). Held this …
Occupy Your Life
The Occupy movement is alive, credible and growing in the United States and the world. International in scope, it began just a few months ago in New York City, …
Newt’s Wacko Idea
“Nuts, vicious and wrong.” That's what the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees thinks of Republican presidential candidate Newt Gingrich's wacko idea of putting kids to work …
Will Republicans Shut Down the FAA Again to Help Delta’s Union Busting?
Once again Republicans are ready to shut down the FAA to help a union-busting effort by Delta Airlines. At issue is a provision added to the FAA funding reauthorization …
Pandering and Hypocrisy Dressed Up as Religion
Note: Robert Weiner and Richard Mann wrote the epilogue for Bankole Thompson's just-released book, “Obama and Christian Loyalty,” a compendium of interviews and analysis by some of the country's …
Occupy Foreign Affairs
It's not the topic of George Packer’s latest essay that's particularly surprising. Inequality, he writes, is undermining democracy. Progressives have been hammering home this message for years if not …
Newt Gingrich’s Latest Assault on the Constitution: Drug Test Americans Before They Get “Any Kind of Federal Aid“
Across the country, Republican governors are pushing policies that mandate drug-testing for all welfare recipients and marginalize low-income Americans in the process. Now, the latest GOP presidential frontrunner Newt …
The Occupy Movement Focuses on Foreclosures
As the Occupy movement enters its third month, it is moving into a new phase. Colder weather in the north, combined with aggressive push back from city officials around …
Occupy Wall Street Talking Points: Who You Calling Slacker?
The media has settled on pushing the “slacker” image for OWS protesters. Excuse me? The truth is exactly the opposite: it is Wall Street and the wealthiest …