In the Euro Zone, Looming Catastrophe
In an online post titled “Self-Serving Myths of Europe’s Neo-Calvinists,” Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, an editor at the British newspaper The Telegraph, sends us to a very good essay from the …
In the Lead for Exploiting the One Percent: Rupert Murdoch and the Koch Brothers
Our vote on the 1% has been vigorous since it started last week, with thousands of people rating nominees representing Wall Street, dirty energy, war profiteering, and more. We're …
It Came From Madison Avenue
The other day I was streaming It!, an old science fiction film, and saw something odd on my computer screen. There, in the storage hold of the rocket ship …
Eight Reasons Why Extending Unemployment Benefits Will Boost the Economy
In the aftermath of the super committee’s collapse, Democrats are going to have to fight to get unemployment insurance benefits extended. This is one of many “orphan programs” left …
More Unequal Than Others
Berkeley - Inequality is on the public’s mind almost everywhere nowadays. Indeed, in the world’s two largest democracies, India and the United States, widespread popular movements against rising inequality …
How the 1 Percent Can Camp Out With the 99 Percent
Perhaps you're part of Wall Street's richest 1 percent, yet, deep in the deepest part of your hedge-fund heart, you secretly support the “We Are the 99 Percent” people. …
Where Were You When They Crucified My Movement?
The Occupy movement is the force that will revitalize traditional Christianity in the United States or signal its moral, social and political irrelevance. The mainstream church, battered by declining …
Washington Post Helps Senator Corker Spread the Big Lie on Fannie and Freddie
When a newspaper abandons journalistic standards in its news pages one hardly expects to find much commitment to truth on its opinion pages. Therefore it is not surprising that …
The Failure of Corporate School Reform: Toward a New Common School Movement
(Photo: SayHolaToTravis) In the United States, a corporate model of schooling has overtaken educational policy, practice, curriculum and nearly all aspects of educational reform.
Fundraising Addiction and the Private-Money Corruption Machine
(Photo: espensorvik / Flickr) A lot of the cynical hopelessness in progressive media and cyberspace these days is about the private money corruption machine that dominates American …