Sledgehammer Politics
Washington - It is a seemingly immutable law of modern Republican rhetoric that the word"regulation" can never appear unadorned by the essential adjective:"job-killing." As in nominee-in-waitingMitt Romney, after winning …
The Devil We Don’t Know
Washington - It may not be the economy, stupid. Then again, JamesCarville's famous maxim about the 1992 presidential campaign might wellbe valid in 2012. But it's quite possible that on …
Loving Earth: Developing a “Deeply Caring Reciprocal Partnership“
To save the Earth, we must fall in love with her, writes Robert Koehler, taking his inspiration from the work of Charles Eisenstein, author of Sacred Economics. Koehler and Eisenstein say that …
The Weight
(Photo: _Pek_) It is brutally hard to be a Christian in America these days. Yeah, I said it. It's true. I'm a Christian. I was born and baptized, and …
Wars of Attrition: Green Zones of the Mind, Guerrillas and a Technical Knockout in Afghanistan
Recently, after insurgents unleashed sophisticated, synchronized attacks across Afghanistan involving dozens of fighters armed with suicide vests, rocket-propelled grenades, and small arms, as well as car bombs, the Pentagon …
The Power of Individual Voters to Transform Their Government
(Image: Helen Cox) America is once again in crisis! All three branches of its government and its major political parties are controlled by a plutocracy composed of large corporations …
Paul Ryan Tries to Shelter the Rich With Gee-Whiz Economics
Paul Ryan is the chairÂman of the House BudgeÂt CommiÂttee. (Photo: Luke SharrÂett / The New York TimesÂ) One impression Paul Ryan, the Republican chairman of the House Budget …
Bill Moyers: Keep Political Ads Off Public TV
BILL MOYERS: Welcome. Imagine if you turned on your TV set someday soon and were greeted by this: SESAME STREET CHARACTER #1: HI! Welcome to Sesame Street! SESAME STREET …
Two Heads Aren’t Always Better Than One
The corporate propensity for rationalizing the irrational in the pursuit of profit appears to be boundless. Consider J.R. Simplot, a giant agribusiness conglomerate whose phosphate mining operations in Idaho …
Ten Reasons the JOBS Act Is an Insane Race to the Bottom
The JOBS Act is insane on many levels. It creates an extraordinarily criminogenic environment in which securities fraud will become even more out of control. One of the forms …