How Online Learning Companies Bought America’s Schools
(Photo: Chip Litherland / The New York Times) If the national movement to “reform” public education through vouchers, charters and privatization has a laboratory, it is Florida. …
Unions Join Occupy Activists in Mass Protest Marches Across America
New York - The Occupy Wall Street movement — looking to show staying power after losing prime real estate in various cities — got a boost of support across …
Thousands Protest in Chicago as Emanuel’s “Devastating” Budget Is Approved
(Photos: The Chicago Workers' Media Project) Thousands of protesters in Chicago blocked downtown traffic Thursday as part of the National Day of Action and to protest the …
Clinton to Visit Myanmar as Obama Takes Stand on Human Rights
Arizona Supreme Court Reverses Brewer-Led Impeachment, Reinstates Redistricting Commission Chair
In a stunning reversal, the Arizona Supreme Court tonight reversed an attempted power grab by Gov. Jan Brewer (R) and her Republican colleagues in the state legislature. …
Two Hundred Are Arrested as Occupy Protesters Mark Two-Month Anniversary
Thousands of protesters across the country flooded streets, squares, bridges and banks on Thursday, snarling traffic and often clashing with the police in a show of support for the …
In Shooting at White House, Attempted Assassination Charge
Washington - Federal authorities charged a 21-year-old Idaho man on Thursday with trying to assassinate President Obama. They said he had told friends that he believed the president was …
“Go. Leave. You Can’t Be Here”: What Happened When I Tried to Investigate the Connection Between the NYPD and Brookfield Properties, Zuccotti’s Owners
For the past several weeks, a Ford F550 truck has been parked near the corner of Liberty Street and Broadway, on the outskirts of Zuccotti Park. As activists across …
Romney Staffers Destroyed Emails, Covered Digital Tracks
On their way out of the governor’s office and onto the presidential campaign trail, aides to Mitt Romney almost completely obliterated their electronic records, deleting emails, purchasing hard drives, …
Flouting States’ Rights Principles, House GOP Pushes Radical Concealed Carry Bill
Today the House of Representatives debated the controversial “National Right To Carry Reciprocity Act,” which would give people with concealed weapon permits in one state the right to carry …