
Seattle Police Pepper-Spray Pastor
You could feel the tension and raw energy crinkling throughout the air as the marchers once again began their journey into downtown Seattle. The Occupy Movement is …

How the Movies Saved My Life: Seeing the World in Black and White (With Subtitles)
Every childhood has its own geography and every child is an explorer, as daring as any Peary or Amundsen or Scott. I was the mildest of children, such a …

Occupy Wall Street Strikes Back, Takes Over Financial District With Protests
Today, activists across the country plan to stage demonstrations in solidarity with Zuccotti Park’s evicted protesters. Early this morning, hundreds of demonstrators are marching on Wall Street, taking over …

Vulture Funds Await Jersey Decision on Poor Countries’ Debts
Jean Ngaigy, the head of a school in Lepaigagone, interprets the words of one of her six-year-old students. The girl is happy to have a school now. Her favourite …

Brookfield Deploys Private Security Squadron to Liberty Plaza Park
There is a new group of people occupying Liberty Plaza Park. Clad in dark clothes with glowing yellow vests, a group of husky security guards, all of them white …

Police Interventions Fire Up Occupy Protesters; Big Rallies Planned Thursday
Washington - After getting pepper-sprayed Tuesday night in downtown Seattle, 84-year-old Dorli Rainey of the Occupy Seattle movement felt fired up, ready for more protesting. And like …

Occupy Movement Prepares for Mass Day of Action in Defiance of Crackdowns
(Photo: Timothy Krause / Flickr) Thursday, November 17, marks the two-month anniversary of Occupy Wall Street, and an international day of nonviolent direct action has been called …

A Self-Immolation in Tiananmen Square Is Reported
A man set himself on fire in China’s heavily policed Tiananmen Square last month, according a report in The Daily Telegraph on Wednesday, in the first known case of …

The Agora at Liberty Square
Protesters with the Occupy Wall Street movement celebrate one month of occupying Zuccotti Park in New York, on Oct. 17, 2011. (Photo: Robert Stolarik / The New York Times) …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Court Rules in Favor of the One Percent, and More
Thom Hartmann here – on the news…