Contention and Confusion in Guantanamo Pre-Trial Hearings for Al-Nashiri Military Commissions
Ongoing military commission hearings at Guantanamo Bay expose striking differences in defendants' rights and public transparency from usual federal court proceedings.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Supreme Court Curtails Arizona’s Disenfranchising Voting Laws, and More
In today's On the News segment: TransCanada tells state law enforcement to treat Keystone protesters like terrorists, and more.
Indigenous Activists Escalate Campaign Against Dams in Borneo
In Malaysia, street protests are rare. Indigenous-led street protests are even more rare. That's why the sight last week of more than 300 Indigenous people wearing matching blue shirts …
Keystone XL Activists Labeled Possible Eco-Terrorists in Internal TransCanada Documents
TransCanada officials attempt to stop Keystone XL protesters by labeling them as protesters.
Six Horrifying Things About Pork Everyone Should Know
American hog farmers have managed to eliminate all wholesomeness, purity, ethics and animal welfare from the pork industry.
“World Set to Exceed Global Warming Limit,” Per International Energy Agency
Global warming is taking effect full speed ahead, but world leaders are taking a back seat on action.
Five Reasons Why Austerity Hurts Today and Will Even More Tomorrow
Austerity can inflict long-term damage on people's pockets, psyches, livelihoods and lives.
As Public Concerns Grow, Congress Spooked Over Spying
The American people are growing increasingly concerned about reports of domestic spying, and Congress isn't sure how to respond.
North Carolina State Senator Calls “Moral Monday” Protesters “Moral Morons“
Since April, North Carolina citizens have been gathering at the state capital in Raleigh for ‘Moral Monday’ rallies and acts of civil disobedience to protest the the cruel things …
While We Focus on Keystone XL, Big Oil Is Busy With Other Pipelines
Canadian oil producers seeking to expand existing pipelines to get tar sands oil to the US market.