The United States has formally told the United Nations that it is on track to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 17 percent by the end of the decade, …
US special forces in Libya on Saturday captured a senior al Qaida leader who had been sought since 1998 for involvement in the coordinated bombings of two US embassies …
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff launched a blistering attack on the United States for illegally infiltrating its communications network, surreptitiously intercepting phone calls, and breaking into the Brazilian Mission to …
Renowned biologist Sandra Steingraber has made fighting environmentally induced cancers her lifes work. Steingraber's book, Living Downstream, has been turned into a movie chronicling a year in her life …
Thom Hartmann here – on the news... You need to know this. The real dangers of this government shutdown are becoming clear, but Republicans just want to keep up …