On the News With Thom Hartmann: Republicans Are to Blame for Health Care Premium Increases, and More
In today's On the News segment: A new study found that the premium hikes in many red states are actually the result of Republican lawmakers who refuse to expand …
In Depth: How Soft Is the Obama Administration Really Going on Marijuana?
The Obama administration's attitude toward drug enforcement also is evolving.
In Secret AT&T Deal, US Drug Agents Given Access to 26 Years of Americans’ Phone Records
Under a secretive DEA program called the Hemisphere Project, the agency has access to records of every phone call transmitted via AT&T's infrastructure dating back to 1987.
Brazil Police Torture and Disappear Favelas Residents With Impunity
Brazil's police have tortured and disappeared more people under democratic leadership (1985-present) than during its military dictatorship.
Executive Excess 2013: Bailed Out, Booted, and Busted
Nearly 40 percent of the CEOs on the highest-paid lists from the past 20 years were eventually
Failing Up to the Fed: a Reporters’ Guide to the Paper Trail Surrounding Larry Summers
Here are a few items from Larry Summers' public record you might want to review.
Other Worlds’ Beverly Bell Answers the Kindle Questionnaire
Beverly Bell: Defining our community as social movements, the greatest challenge they articulate is growing control by transnational capital over everything, from the marketing of air (through carbon trading) …
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Living in Poverty Affects More Than a Person’s Physical Health, and More
In today's On the News segment:President Obama announced that he will ask Congress for authorization for a military strike in Syria; Harvard scientists found that the constant strain of …
How To Invent A Misleading Statistic
A misleading statistic not only misinforms, it has the ability to distract the public from the dangerous reality of our government's failures.
How To Invent A Misleading Statistic
A misleading statistic not only misinforms, it has the ability to distract the public from the dangerous reality of our government's failures.