Corporations Rewriting US Labor Laws
Corporate lobbies have engaged in attack on US labor standards and workplace protections, including minimum wage laws, the amount of paid sick leave offered and even child labor protections.
Support for Robin Hood Tax Growing, but Majority of Democrats Not on Board
Robin Hood tax supporters National Nurses United, economist Jeffrey Sachs, and European Parliament VP tell Congress to support “no brainer” tax on Wall Street.
Bipartisan Bill to Reform Mandatory Minimums Introduced in US House, As Companion to Bipartisan Senate Bill
Research has shown that nonviolent, low-level drug offenders have contributed significantly to the dramatic rise in incarceration in the last four decades.
Parents of Autistic Teen Entrapped by Cops Sue School District
The student was arrested in school in front of his classmates as part of a sting that nabbed 22 students in all, many of them children with special needs.
Immigration Reform Advocates Turn Up Heat on Congress to Act Before Year’s End
A coalition of advocates for immigration reform are pressuring congressional representatives to pass a reform bill.
Activists Petition Goodwill to Pay Disabled Workers the Minimum Wage
A petition delivered to Goodwill Industries on Thursday demands the company pay disabled employees the minimum wage or more.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: NSA Infiltrated Communications Hubs of Yahoo and Google, and More
For the third time in two weeks, we learned about yet another NSA spying program, and more.
Lawsuit: NSA Can’t Detect Satire
In lawsuit filed against agencies, Public Citizen argues that attempts to stop production of parody merchandise are inconsistent with First Amendment.
Vast Majority of Voters Fear Campaign Cash Skews Judges’ Decisions
As this poll makes clear, Americans are worried that our fair courts are at risk.
Why Anytown, USA, Privatizes Its Water System
When Allentown, Pennsylvania, rented its water and waste systems for 50 years this August, it was fortunate to find a public partner with closely aligned interests. Yet some of …