
Oakland Agrees to $4.5 million Settlement for Wounded Occupy Protester
The Marine Corps veteran who suffered brain damage after being shot in the head with a lead-filled beanbag by an Oakland Police Department officer during the 2011 Occupy protests …

Massachusetts Senate Votes for Childbirth Without Chains
The bill unanimously passed by the Massachusetts Senate prohibits shackling during labor and delivery and sets minimum standards for pregnancy-related care for people in prisons.

Obama’s Drones Made Simple
Among those targeted and killed by drones have been United States citizens.

From Tacoma to Texas, Hunger Strikers Challenge Migrant Jails
A hunger strike at a private GEO Group migrant jail in Tacoma, Washington, has spread to another in Texas.

Residents Still Not Drinking Tap Water Two Months After West Virginia Spill
Shaghayegh Tajvidi travels to Charleston to investigate the impacts of the massive West Virginia chemical spill.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: The Koch Brothers Spent More Money Than the Top 10 Unions Combined, and More
In today's On the News segment: In the 2012 elections, the Koch brothers spent more money than the top ten unions combined;Â the gamblers on Wall Street raked in $26.7 …

New Report: Fortune 100 Companies Have Received $1.2 Trillion in Corporate Welfare Recently
Military contractors, oil companies and banks are the biggest welfare queens around.

Fukushima Fallout: Ailing US Sailors Sue TEPCO After Exposure to Radiation 30 Times Higher Than Normal
Many of the servicemembers who provided humanitarian relief during the disaster have experienced devastating health ailments since returning from Japan.

Former US Ambassador: Behind Crimea Crisis, Russia Responding to Years of “Hostile” US Policy
The standoff over Ukraine and the fate of Crimea has sparked the worst East-West crisis since the end of the Cold War.

Sri Lanka Bans Monsanto Herbicide Citing Potential Link to Deadly Kidney Disease
Sri Lanka this week ordered a ban on glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto's top-selling herbicide Roundup.