
Egypt’s Courts Further Repression With Journalists on Trial and Mass Death Sentence for Morsi Supporters
Egypt is facing international criticism after the largest mass sentencing in its modern history.

The Fight for $15 Finally Comes to Portland
Portland's awkward silence on $15 was finally broken when Portland activist-professor Nicholas Caleb recently announced his candidacy for city council, his top platform plank being the $15 minimum wage..

Double Dip: Doctors Paid To Advise, Promote Drug Companies That Fund Their Research
Research has been seen as less objectionable than other forms of interactions with drug companies, but 10 percent of researchers have multiple ties among the nine companies analyzed. That …

How “Extreme Levels” of Monsanto’s Herbicide Roundup in Food Became the Industry Norm
Food and feed quality are crucial to human and animal health. Surprisingly, almost no data exist in the scientific literature on herbicide residues in GMO plants, even after nearly …

On the News With Thom Hartmann: College Students Are Increasingly Turning to Food Banks, and More
All around the world, people are talking about a basic minimum income, and what they're saying makes a lot of economic sense. To ensure everyone has a sense of …

Privacy Tools: Mask Your Location
In the course of writing her book, Dragnet Nation, ProPublica reporter Julia Angwin tried various strategies to protect her privacy. In this series of book excerpts she distills her …

Migratory Birds Face Danger From Oil Spill Long After Shipping Channel Will Open
Heavy fuel oil that spilled from a Kirby Inland Marine oil barge after it collided with a cargo ship on March 22, began washing up on Galveston Bay's shoreline …

What Comes After Capitalism?
The economy will crash again because we are so addicted to constant growth, and quarterly capitalism that the global financial elite will march us to the edge of the …

A Step Toward Justice in the Long “War on Terror”: Uruguay Offers to Welcome Guantanamo Detainees
This week, President Jose “Pepe” Mujica offered to welcome detainees from the US's detention center at its base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Senator Feinstein’s Oversight
This week, Sen. Dianne Feinstein gave a speech on the Senate floor that Sen. Patrick Leahy described as one of the most important he had ever witnessed.