Minneapolis Activists Continue Fight Against Systemic Racism and Police Violence
The city and local protesters have become a focal point in the national racial justice movement.
Bay Area Low-Income and Homeless Residents Push to Build Own Housing
POOR Magazine, a nonprofit organization wants to build four eco-friendly townhouses.
Colorado Celebrates Pot Legalization Anniversary: Massive Drop in Arrests and Millions in Revenue
Chicken Little was wrong.
EPA Confirms Activists’ Longtime Claims: Neonicotinoid Pesticide Threatens Honeybees
Environmentalists and honey producers have long suspected a link between the pesticide and rapidly declining bee populations.
Wisconsin Board Reboots, Holds Hearing on Changes to Open Records Law
An obscure administrative board charged with facilitating the retention of records quietly made significant changes to Wisconsin's open records law without required public notice.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Emerging Trends Show “Citizens United” Ruling to Be Disastrous, and More
In the five years since the “Citizens United” decision was made, some alarming trends have emerged.
Climate Change-Induced Floods Hammer Britain as Tories Approve New Fracking Law
The Conservatives' commitment to favor shale gas extraction is evident in the shocking new fracking law.
The Melting Arctic’s Dramatic Impact on Global Weather Patterns
Arctic warming is irrevocably changing planetary weather, and several leading scientists warn of dire impacts.
Undocumented Students Push Forward Fight for Education and Immigrant Rights
While Congress still hasn't passed immigration reform, undocumented activists continue to push for access to higher education.
Workers’ Comp Industrial Complex: The Middlemen Silencing Injured Workers
Journey into the little-known workers' comp industrial complex.