News Analysis

Reagan and Guatemala’s Death Files
Ronald Reagan’s election in November 1980 set off celebrations in the well-to-do communities of Central America. After four years of Jimmy Carter’s human rights nagging, the region’s anticommunist hard-liners …

Robin Hood Tax Gains Ground at the G-20
The G-20 meeting in Cannes got underway this week. The sunny beach resort, playground to movie stars and media moguls was an odd choice for a somber G-20 meeting. …

Economy Generates 80,000 Jobs in October, Employment-to-Population Ratio Edges Higher
(Photo: photologue_np / Flickr) There is no reason to expect much of a drop in unemployment anytime soon. The economy added just 80,000 jobs in …

Tunisia Elections: The Real Thing This Time
It was only 2005 — not all that long ago — that Zine Ben Ali won his third term as Tunisia’s president with 99 percent of the vote. At …

Unity Is Strength for Progressives
Business and liberal elites have long invested in developing collaborative leadership. In Occupy Wall Street and beyond, grassroots progressives are now getting into the game of working together. …

Few Stimulus-Financed Energy Projects Were “Shovel Ready“
The Recovery Act infused $35 billion and grand expectations to the Department of Energy – but the reality has been far more sober, the department’s inspector general said …

Insurers Want Obama to Defy Law So They Can Continue Keeping You in the Dark
If you have no idea what you're paying good money for when you enroll in a health insurance plan, there's a good reason for that: insurers profit from your …

The Icelandic Model of Handling Debt Crises
The latest euro rescue plan lurched into crisis this week after the Greek prime minister decided to put the package to a popular vote. This unexpected gesture of independence …

Why is the State Department Using Our Money to Pimp for Monsanto?
People in India are up in arms about eggplant. Not just any eggplant — the fight, which is also raging in the Philippines, is over Monsanto's Bt eggplant. Even …

The Medieval, Unaccountable Corporation of London Is Ripe for Protest
It's the dark heart of Britain, the place where democracy goes to die, immensely powerful, equally unaccountable. But I doubt that one in 10 British people has any idea …