News Analysis

Chickening Out in Iraq
Very few people outside the agricultural world know that if the rooster in a flock dies the hens will continue to produce fertile eggs for up to four weeks …

Bill Clinton Is Baaaaaaaaack!
Bill Clinton presided over a period of growth, but his legacy of eased financial restrictions also opened the door for the fiscal crisis. (Photo: Sebastian Derungs / World Economic …

How Big Is the Long-Term Debt Problem?
(Photo: mikedemers) Articles about the deficits and the national debt generally talk about unsustainable long-term deficits that will drive the national debt up to a level where …

There Are Many More Koch Brother Secret Sins
The Bloomberg news investigation into Charles and David Koch has uncovered unlawful and unpatriotic environmental crimes, political donations and business decisions benefitting Iran. There are so many secret sins …

The Pro-Hunger Lobby – GOP Frontrunners Fight Aid for Starving Americans
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, left, and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speak during a commercial break in a Republican presidential debate in Orlando, on September 22, 2011. (Photo: Chip …

Anatomy of a $30 Billion Medicare Crime
(Photo: Vermin Inc) Like all great capers, this $30 billion Medicare crime unfolded in plain sight. A drug rep sat in the doctor's office, balancing folders on …

Enduring Terror Double Standards
Mugshot of Luis Posada Carriles, taken following his arrest. (Photo: Trinidad Police Department) Former Vice President Dick Cheney may have expressed the pervasive American double standard on …

Gertrude Stein’s “Missing” Vichy Years
Portrait of Gertrude Stein, New York, November 4, 1934. (Photo: Carl Van Vechten) Gertrude Stein was a complex, iconic, artistic figure: an experimental writer, an intellectual salon …

Which New Middle East?
An Iraqi man waits in line to obtain a visa to visit Turkey at the Turkish Consulate in Erbil, Iraq, Oct. 27, 2010. Turkey’s influence is greater in northern …

Top Oil and Gas Executives Had Major Presence at Bahrain Conference
(Photo: Michele Solmi / Flickr) What began as a bright democratic uprising in Bahrain, a part of the famed Arab Spring, has transformed into the movement's tragic …