In Philadelphia, school officials have proposed a controversial plan to close more than 60 schools in the next five years and potentially privatize those remaining.
The strike has received growing international attention as the standoff grows, striking a chord with young people across the globe amid growing discontent over austerity measures, bleak economies and …
Battles over school curriculums occasionally make national news, but quickly fade. However, the banning of the Mexican-American studies program in Tucson has assumed much greater significance. The action precipitated …
Amy Dean talks to Richard Kahlenberg and Richard Bensinger about reforms that could finally give battle-weary union members a reason to send Obama and other Democrats back to Washington.
Tom Ferguson: Euro crisis may have more devasting effect on US banks than previously thought. TRANSCRIPT: PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm Paul …
Over the weekend thousands of anti-NATO protesters gathered in the Windy City to march against the organization's apparent pro-war agenda. Dozens were arrested during the North Atlantic Treaty Organization …
One of the world's biggest environmental crimes has been more or less forgotten. This is part of our collective guilt as the world's ecosystem continues its accelerated collapse. But …
Allen Ruff: Vicious dictatorship courted by US and Russia, is a vital strategic objective in Eurasia. TRANSCRIPT: PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network. I'm …
In honor of Earth Day, we run an interview with Yves-André Wainright, who discusses ways that poor governance and the role of foreign donors have contributed to the country’s …
Last week, President Obama proposed national guidelines on hydraulic fracturing. The technique, known as fracking, extracts natural gas from the ground by pumping fluid into the Earth. At the …