Cut-Throat Capitalism: Welcome to the Gig Economy
Turns out that life with no health benefits, vacation pay or retirement plan is not a rosy picture.
#YesAllWomen: Rebecca Solnit on the Santa Barbara Massacre and Viral Response to Misogynist Violence
Santa Barbara is grieving after a 22-year-old man killed six college students just after posting a misogynistic video online vowing to take his revenge on women for sexually rejecting …
Redefining Democracy in California: An Interview With Luis Rodriguez
When the state works for the poor, the working class, the neglected and pushed out, it works for all of us.
Facing the Truth: The Case for Reparations
Journalist Ta-Nehisi Coates makes the case for reparations, and discusses racism in history and the present.
Remembering Vincent Harding, the Civil Rights Activist Who Wrote MLK’s Speech Against Vietnam War
Amy Goodman spends the hour remembering the pioneering historian, theologian and civil rights activist Dr. Vincent Harding.
Netanyahu’s “Jewish State” Law Stirs Debate in Israel
Israeli academic Oren Yiftachel talks about ethnocracy, a term he coined that describes the sort of regime Israel practices.
Reflections on Vietnam and Other Moments of Campus Activism: An Interview With Radical Professor Bertram Strieb
Bertram Strieb, LaSalle University professor emeritus in the Department of Geology, Physics and Environmental Science, reflects on antiwar activism in Philadelphia during the Vietnam War.
Michael Ratner: Twitter Storm Between WikiLeaks and Glenn Greenwald
WikiLeaks promises to name the fifth country where MYSTIC mega data collection program is applied.
The Financialization of Big Business
Costas Lapavitsas says that capitalists have learned how to make huge profits without producing anything useful.
Presidential Elections in Ukraine Will Usher in Direct Rule of Oligarchs
Ukrainian sociologist Volodymyr Ishchenko says there will be little difference between a Poroshenko presidency and that of ousted president Yanukovich, and that the political rebellion in the Eastern regions …