Putin and Russian Nationalism on the Rise
Aleksandr Buzgalin says that Western sanctions are fueling a new sense of nationalism and pride, but it serves the oligarchs who want a more powerful state and armed forces …
How the New Monopoly Capitalism Will Crush You to Smithereens
Journalist and author Barry Lynn sounds the alarm about one of the greatest threats to our liberty today.
Henry A. Giroux on “The Violence of Organized Forgetting“
“Fear, privatization and depoliticization are the organizing principles of American society at the current moment.”
Activist Mab Segrest Discusses Civil Rights, History of Structural Racism in the US
From police killings, to Stand Your Ground laws, to Medicaid refusal in majority-minority states, 50 years after Freedom Summer and the Civil Rights Act, activist Mab Segrest says structural …
Is the Control of Gaza’s Offshore Gas Reserves a Factor in Israeli Military Operations?
Nafeez Ahmed: As Israel's energy issues become more pronounced, repeated military incursions into Gaza show that dominating and exploiting its offshore gas reserves is an increasingly important issue.
Truthout Interviews William Rivers Pitt and Dahr Jamail on “The Mass Destruction of Iraq”
The current state of Iraq is in flux.
New Family Detention Centers Hold Immigrant Women and Children Without Bond as Asylum Claims Pend
The Obama administration has opened two new family detention centers to hold hundreds of women and children from Central America who fled to the United States reportedly to escape …
Worse Than Tiananmen? First Anniversary of Egyptian Army Killings of More Than 800 Anti-Coup Protesters
One year ago today, Egyptian forces opened fire on a sit-in at Rabaa al-Adawiya Square in Cairo.
Fracking Success Shut Down US Climate Change Policy
Christopher Williams tells Paul Jay that the fabulous profits made from fracking oil and gas took climate change off Obama agenda, and while coal emissions may be down in …
Deconstructing Fed Vice Chair’s Grim Economic Forecast
PERI Co-Director Gerald Epstein discusses how Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fischer has ignored real solutions to improve the economy, like increasing wages.