
Unelected Manager Who Caused Flint Water Crisis Now Runs Detroit Schools
Michigan has the most sweeping emergency management laws in the country

What It’s Like to Be Trapped in an Experimental Unit Within a US Prison
CMUs impose severe restrictions on prisoners' communications, within prison and the outside.

“It Was Like a Fascist Rally”: Sikh Protester Ejected From Trump Event Speaks Out
“I saw the Trump official coming at us,” he said. “I yelled out that the campaign was giving shelter to white supremacists.”

Tim DeChristopher, Aria Doe and Josh Fox on Civil Disobedience and Climate Activism
Activists discuss the role of direct action in fighting global warming.

Why Fair Job Scheduling for Low-Wage Workers Is a Racial Justice Issue
Neighborhoods Organizing for Change is leading the fight for fair scheduling in Minneapolis by being committed to racial justice.

Interview With Noam Chomsky: Is European Integration Unraveling?
Scholar Noam Chomsky offers his insights on Europe's migration and refugee crisis and the ongoing financial crisis in Greece.

Forty-Three Years After Roe v. Wade, Supreme Court to Hear Case Threatening Women’s Right to Choose
Friday marked the 43rd anniversary of Roe v. Wade.

Reclaiming Democracy From a Rogue Supreme Court
Author Derek Cressman discusses how a constitutional amendment may be our best chance to overturn the Citizens United ruling.

Sickened by Gangrene in Utah Immigration Jail, Guatemalan Father Now Faces Deportation
Angel Rosa is recovering from a gangrene infection, which he says began while he was held in a detention center in Utah.

Untouchable Big Oil Threatens All Life on Earth
The oil industry is a powerhouse with control over land, resources, politics and more.