
Naomi Klein: Climate Change “Not Just About Things Getting Hotter“
I've been pretty apocalyptic up until now, but “This Changes Everything” is actually an argument for our best chance to build a better society.

Signing of TPP Marks Only Beginning of the Fight
One of the world's biggest multinational trade deals, the TPP, has been signed by 12 member nations in New Zealand.

Rhythms of Resistance: Singer Behind Anti-Racist Anthem Discusses Role of Art in Activism
Artist and activist Taina Asili discusses the power of art to change narratives and her new music video, an anti-racist anthem.

La Via Campesina: Building an International Movement for Food and Seed Sovereignty
How small farmers around the world are protecting their indigenous seeds, promoting agroecology over industrial farming and declaring their rights.

The Road to the White House Begins in Iowa, but Is It Already Sold to Wealthy Donors?
Spending by dark money groups is estimated to reach up to half a billion dollars.

Tim DeChristopher: “I Consider Myself to Be a Fossil Fuel Abolitionist“
Tim DeChristopher sat down with Earth Island Journal to discuss how his time in prison and his faith have influenced his activism.

Iowa Progressives Weigh Clinton vs. Sanders as One of Whitest States Kicks Off Presidential Race
The road to the White House begins in Iowa today with the opening contest of the 2016 presidential campaign.

The Battle for Neoliberal Hegemony: An Interview With Nancy Fraser
The conditions of working-class people in the global north are converging with the conditions of the global south.

With Trump Absent, GOP Presidential Candidates Debate Syria, Planned Parenthood and Islamophobia
Seven Republican presidential candidates faced off Thursday in their final debate before the Iowa caucuses.

“The Settlers”: New Film Reveals History and Consequences of Israeli Settlements
We examine the history and consequences of decades of Israeli settlement construction on Palestinian lands.