
Noam Chomsky on Trump’s Climate Denialism: He Wants Us to March Toward the Destruction of the Species
“This is a really astonishing moment in human history,” Chomsky said.

Thomas Frank: Bill Clinton’s Five Major Achievements Were Longstanding GOP Objectives
Thomas Frank, author of “Listen, Liberal,” discusses how the Democratic Party stopped governing on behalf of the working class.

Noam Chomsky on US Military Presence in Europe and the Case of Edward Snowden
MIT professor, anarchist, philosopher and renowned linguist Noam Chomsky discusses US military presence in Europe and Edward Snowden.

Alabama Prison Strike Organizer Speaks From Behind Bars: We Are Engaged in a Struggle for Our Lives
A 10-day strike by Alabama prisoners protests severe overcrowding and poor living conditions.

Julian Assange: Michael Ratner Was a “Campaigner for Justice” From Guatemala to Palestine
On Wednesday, the trailblazing attorney Michael Ratner died at the age of 72.

Thinking and Voting Outside the Two-Party Box: An Interview With Jill Stein
Jill Stein talks about why she's running for president again and the importance of an independent alternative to the two-party system.

Trump Picks White Supremacist Leader as California Delegate, Then Blames Selection on Database Error
The leader has openly backed the creation of “a separate white ethnostate.”

Tortured, Killed and Driven to Suicide: Whistleblower Exposes Abuse in Florida Prison
The Dade Correctional Institution in Florida has subjected prisoners to vicious beatings, scalding showers and severe food deprivation.

2,000 Doctors Agree With Bernie Sanders on Universal Health Care
Physicians warn that the risks of continuing the Affordable Care Act will leave millions uninsured indefinitely.

Ralph Nader: Sanders Should Stay in Democratic Race, Is Only Losing Due to Anti-Democratic System
Ralph Nader argues that Sanders would be winning the primary race if every state had open primaries.