
This Confirms It Was a Coup: Brazil Crisis Deepens as Evidence Mounts of Plot to Oust Dilma Rousseff
A key figure in Brazil's interim government has resigned after explosive new transcripts revealed how he plotted to oust President Dilma Rousseff.

Green Party’s Jill Stein Shares Her “Plan B” for Bernie Sanders Supporters: A Green New Deal
Stein, the Green Party's presumptive presidential nominee, discusses Sanders, the “Green New Deal” and the politics of fear.

Jeremy Scahill: Corporations Are Making a Killing Off US Targeted Killing
Investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill discusses the privatization of US wars abroad and who profits from drone strikes.

Ecuador Activist Accuses Chevron of “Harassment and Defamation“
Santiago Escobar says publications financed by Chevron are trying to smear him after revealing information against the oil giant.

As Hillary Clinton Defends Her Role in 2009 Coup, Is US Aid to Honduras Adding “Fuel to the Fire”?
There's no other way to categorize what happened in 2009 other than a military coup with no legal basis.

Noam Chomsky Discusses the Hypocrisies of Capitalism in the Financial Capital of the World
Chomsky spoke at the New York Public Library last month about why the financial financial sector is basically tax-funded.

Source Reveals How Pentagon Ruined Whistleblower’s Life and Set Stage for Snowden’s Leaks
A former senior Pentagon official reveals how his superiors broke the law to punish a key National Security Agency whistleblower for leaking information.

Rebecca Gordon: Terror, Torture and US Wars of Vengeance Diminish Our Humanity
Author Rebecca Gordon explains why US officials must be held accountable for torture and other alleged war crimes.

Meet the New Face of Israel’s Growing Military Refuser Movement
Three young conscientious objectors on the dangers of refusing Israel's mandatory military service, right-wing backlash and their hopes for peace.

Economist Dimitris Kazakis: Greece Can and Must Leave the Eurozone and EU
Dimitris Kazakis says Greece should depart from the eurozone and European Union, and unilaterally write off its debt.