
“My Four Months as a Private Prison Guard”: Shane Bauer Goes Undercover to Expose Conditions
Shane Bauer undercover journalist working as a guard at a private prison in Louisiana.

An Increase in the Minimum Wage Strengthens the Economy for All
The critical element in the success of the Fight for $15 has been workers stepping into the streets and the public limelight.

Speaking Mirth to Power: An Interview With “Tactical Performer” L.M. Bogad
The movement brilliantly and bravely used these highly dramatic actions, and their opponents' predictability, to create sociodramas.

Monsanto, the USA’s Monster
Few corporations in the world are as loathed — and as sinister — as Monsanto.

As SCOTUS Deadlocks on Obama’s Immigration Plan, Immigrants “Continue to Live in Daily Fear”
In a major setback for the immigrant rights movement, a divided Supreme Court has blocked President Obama's plan to shield as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation.

Exporting the Tools of Repression: An Interview With Professor Michael T. Klare
Even under President Obama, we've seen a huge increase in US counterterror operations worldwide, often using advanced military capabilities like drone strikes.

“Let Us Vote”: Rep. John Lewis Leads Democratic Sit-In for Gun Control Legislation
Capitol Hill Democratic lawmakers are continuing a historic sit-in on the floor of the House.

Thomas Frank on Clinton and the Democratic Establishment: What Ever Happened to the Party of the People?
Democrats are determined to supplant the GOP as the party of Wall Street.

Henry Giroux on America’s War With Itself
Henry A. Giroux discusses the descent into absurdity as demonstrated by the latest presidential clown show.

Cornel West: Black Lives Matter Is an Indictment of Neoliberal Power
Cornel West talks Bernie Sanders' neo-populism and Donald Trump's neo-fascism.