
Atmospheric Scientist: Donald Trump and Mike Pence Are a Climate Change Denial Dream Team
While 2016 is on pace to become the warmest year on record, climate change has been largely ignored at the presidential and vice-presidential debates.

Black Lives Matter Cofounder Alicia Garza on the Global Movement for Black Lives
Garza says even though this powerful movement is growing and evolving, the media still isn't doing enough to understand its members' diversity.

The Case for a Right to Education
A new lawsuit shines a light on our educational system.

Katherine Franke on How Religion Impacts Views of VP Nominees Mike Pence and Tim Kaine
Columbia University law professor Katherine Franke speaks on reproductive rights and the religious views of Pence and Kaine.

Allan Nairn: Regardless of Who Wins in November, US Wars and Aggression Will Continue
Allan Nairn gives his response to the three candidates' answers to their debate questions.

Advocates: The US Still Profits From Slavery Because the 13th Amendment Perpetuates Prison Labor
Malkia Cyril and Kevin Gannon discuss prison labor and slavery.

Colombians Reject Peace Deal in Stunning Referendum, Advocates Cite Climate of “Intimidation and Fear”
In Colombia, voters have rejected a peace agreement between the government and the nation's largest rebel group.

We Only Move Forward When We Demand the Impossible: An Interview With Bill Ayers
History shows that progress only happens when we refuse to limit ourselves to the art of the possible, says Bill Ayers.

The Empire Files: How Palestine Became Colonized
“Before Palestine had borders it was a recognized nation, its cultural identity distinct, with deep roots in the land,” says Martin.

Medea Benjamin: If Americans Can Sue Saudis Over 9/11, Drone Victims Should Be Able to Sue the US
New legislation would allow courts to waive claim of foreign sovereign immunity after an act of terrorism occurs within the US.