
Noam Chomsky on the Perils of Market-Driven Education
Free higher education could be instituted without major difficulties, but neoliberalism is standing in the way.

Chicago Cops Who Broke “Code of Silence” to Report Police Drug Gang Face Deadly Retaliation
Two Chicago police officers say they have faced retaliation and suffered from PTSD since they blew the whistle on a gang of their fellow cops.

Badly Needed Humor and the Left: An Interview and a Few History Notes
Have we ever needed radical humor more than now?

From Palestine to Black Lives Matter: Alicia Garza and Phyllis Bennis on Issues Ignored at the Debates
Black Lives Matter cofounder Alicia Garza discusses what the major-party candidates should have addressed in their debate.

In Warmest Year Ever, Climate Change Ignored Again at Debate
The presidential and vice-presidential debates have concluded without a single question about climate change.

Calling All Climate Activists: “Go Out and Get Yourself in Some Holy Trouble“
Activists on strike shut off the flow of tar sands oil across the US last week, and a movement leader calls for faith-based direct action.

“Ramshackle” Battle to Retake Mosul From ISIS Led by US Despite Obama Vow Against Boots on Ground
The fight to retake the last stronghold of the self-proclaimed Islamic State in Iraq has entered its third day with a US-led coalition force.

“The Police Killings No One Is Talking About”: Native Americans Most Likely to Be Killed by Cops
A new investigation by In These Times explodes myths about who is most likely to die at the hands of police.

How Capitalism Fosters Bullying
Bullies are merely acting out in response to the norms and incentives of their militarized capitalist societies.

Oil Industry Has More Than 30 Accidents a Week in and Off the Coast of Louisiana
A coalition of groups calling for a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico released research on accidents in the oil industry.