
The Anatomy of US Military Policy: An Interview With Andrew Bacevich
The US has a moral responsibility to work toward the abolition of nuclear weapons.

Bankers Behind “Great Foreclosure Machine” Join Trump’s Cabinet as Treasury and Commerce Secretaries
A look at two of Donald Trump's Cabinet picks: Steven Mnuchin for treasury secretary and Wilbur Ross for commerce secretary.

Cornel West: Bernie Sanders Is Wrong. The Democratic Party Cannot Be Reformed
Some progressives are now pushing a shake up of the Democratic Party's leadership in efforts to reform the party.

Cornel West on Keith Lamont Scott Case: Yet Again an Officer Gets Away With Killing a Black Man
People took to the streets to protest the announcement that police officer Brentley Vinson will not face charges.

Lawrence Lessig: The Electoral College Is Constitutionally Allowed to Choose Clinton Over Trump
Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig sparks debate over the issue of the Electoral College with his recent op-ed published in The Washington Post.

Sanders on Trump: We Need to Think Every Day How to Mobilize People to Defeat This Horrific Agenda
Sen. Sanders speaks about what it looks like to hold Trump and the Republican Party accountable.

Will Trump Roll Back Efforts to Normalize Relations Between Havana and Washington?
Trump has vowed to withdraw from diplomatic relations if he believes his new demands go unmet in the future.

“Nothing Short of a Slaughter”: 1 Million Syrians in Aleppo Under Siege With No Hospital, Food
Syrian analyst Bassam Haddad gives an update from a physician in touch with medical personnel in Aleppo.

Historian Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz on Thanksgiving: “It Has Never Been About Honoring Native Americans”
As much of the US prepares for Thanksgiving this weekend, many Native Americans will gather in Plymouth for the 47th National Day of Mourning.

Neocons, War Criminals and White Nationalists: Jeremy Scahill on Trump’s Incoming Advisers and Cabinet
Jeremy Scahill examines the “team of rivals” Trump is considering for key appointments to his cabinet.