
Participatory Budgeting in Action: An Interview With Filmmaker Ines Sommer
Ines Sommer talks about her documentary “Count Me In” on the spread of participatory budgeting in Chicago.

Obama Urged to Take US Nukes Off High Alert Before Trump Takes Office
A petition is urging President Obama to place restraints on the incoming president's ability to launch a nuclear attack.

Scientists Scramble to Protect Decades of Climate Research Before Trump Takes Office
Trump will be the only world leader who still denies the science behind climate change.

George W. Bush’s Ethics Lawyer: Trump Will Be in Violation of Constitution on Day One
Could Donald Trump be in violation of the Constitution on his first day in office?

After Legislative Coup, North Carolina Can No Longer Be Considered a Democracy
A new report finds the state's democratic institutions are so flawed, the state should no longer be considered a functioning democracy.

UN Declares Israeli Settlements Illegal; Netanyahu Vows to Retaliate After US Abstains From Vote
Israeli officials are vowing to build thousands of new settlement homes on occupied Palestinian land.

What Will Happen When Donald Trump Takes Over US Drone and Targeted Assassination Program?
In Syracuse, New York, four people were arrested outside the Hancock Air National Guard Base on Friday.

Holiday Special: An Interview With Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders gives his most extensive broadcast interview since Election Day.

A World in Shambles: An Interview With C.J. Polychroniou
In place of the common good we have created atomized, segmented societies that promote a dog-eat-dog culture.

Black Awakening, Class Rebellion
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor has written the most important book of 2016.