
Sen. Schumer Calls on Democrats to Boycott Neil Gorsuch Vote While Trump Is Under FBI Investigation
Kristen Clarke and Elliot Mincberg speak about the nomination of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court.

Meet Two US Citizens Detained at Airports: A Police Chief and a Lawyer Who Sued Trump Administration
A growing number of US citizens are sharing accounts of having been detained at airports across the country since the start of the Trump administration.

Richard D. Wolff on Bankruptcy Protection, Debt Jubilee, Student Debt and the Credit System
In this interview, Richard D. Wolff, discusses bankruptcy protection, debt jubilee, students debt and the function that a credit system serves in our society today.

Behind Neil Gorsuch’s Rhetoric, His Record Suggests Aggressive Judge Wedded to Conservative Agenda
Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch is heading back to Capitol Hill today for a second day of confirmation hearings.

Violence Against the Transgender Community Is Often Not Reported by Media
Janine Jackson interviewed Kris Hayashi about the Supreme Court's non-ruling on trans students.

Zephyr Teachout: Supreme Court Pick Neil Gorsuch “Sides With Big Business, Big Donors and Big Bosses”
Confirmation hearings begin today for Neil Gorsuch.

Amid Spike in Civilian Deaths From US Strikes, Trump Requests Lifting Policy Limiting Casualties
Civilian casualties in US airstrikes have been escalating since Donald Trump took office two months ago.

Trumpcare Is Very Destructive to Both Medicare and Medicaid
Republicans ran against the Affordable Care Act, but no one ran against Medicare and Medicaid, because the programs work very well and they're very popular.

Georgia Legislature Advances Bill That Could Label Protesters as “Domestic Terrorists”
Georgia has become the latest state to take up legislation designed to have a chilling effect on First Amendment rights.

Is Trump Counterterrorism Aide Sebastian Gorka a Sworn Member of Hungarian Nazi-Allied Group?
Larry Cohler-Esses reports that members of the Vitezi Rend elite order confirmed Gorka took a lifelong oath of loyalty to the Hungarian far-right group.