
What Bail Does Is Coerce Guilty Pleas
CounterSpin interview with Arissa Hall on Mama's Bailout Day.

Beyond Reactive Politics: Working Toward the Wholesale Reorganization of Society
Social movements are figuring out how to move out of a defensive posture and fight for the power to govern, says activist James Hayes.

The Pitfalls of “Buy American”
US history has seen at least three waves of “Buy American” fervor.

Next Steps in the Fight for Paid Family Leave and Paid Sick Leave
The so-called “paid leave” in the Trump budget is just part of a shell game, says Ellen Bravo of Family Values @ Work.

Puerto Rico Is Emblematic of the Excesses of Financial Systems
Janine Jackson interviews Ed Morales about Puerto Rico's recent filing for bankruptcy.

Jeremy Scahill on Trump’s Embrace of Duterte’s Deadly War on Drugs in the Philippines
President Rodrigo Duterte has suggested he might impose martial law across the country, after declaring it this week in his native island of Mindanao.

Journalist Desmond Cole on How the Toronto Star Tried to Silence His Activism for Black Liberation
Cole has long criticized the controversial police practice of carding — stopping, interrogating and collecting data on individuals without probable cause.

People Living in Fear of Deportation Can’t Be Left to Fight Alone
An interview with Janice Hoseine, who has been fighting to stop the deportation of her husband.

Economist Joseph Stiglitz: Trump’s Budget Takes a Sledgehammer to What Remains of the “American Dream”
Joseph Stiglitz discusses the ramifications of the Trump's administration's $4.1 trillion budget.

Rep. Al Green to Draft Articles of Impeachment Against Trump, Citing Obstruction of Justice
As controversy continues to swirl around the Trump-Russia investigation, Democratic Congressmember Al Green of Texas discusses more.