
Crafting a Charter for the “Precariat”: How to Build an Economy That Works for Everyone
Standing popularized the term “precariat” to describe a global social class characterized by precariousness.

A Turning Point on the Left? Libertarian Caucus Debuts at Democratic Socialist Conference
Democratic Socialists of America does not have a party line, making room for anarchists.

Emma Lazarus’s Iconic Poem “The New Colossus” Is Under Attack by the Trump Administration
Lazarus has long been a target of white nationalists.

Nikole Hannah-Jones on the DOJ’s Attack on Affirmative Action and How School Segregation Never Ended
The New York Times is reporting the Justice Department is preparing to investigate universities' affirmative action policies for anti-white bias, in what critics say is the latest assault against …

“Give Them Hell”: Exposing the Corporate Backers of Anti-Immigrant Hate
JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo are financing the suffering of immigrant families.

Is Capitalism in Crisis? Latest Trends of a System Run Amok
Political polarization is to be expected after a long-lasting structural crisis of capitalism, says David Kotz.

Now That Skinny Repeal Has Been Squashed, What’s Next for Health Care Activists?
Now that we have the lived experience of collective power, we can take this momentum and move forward, says Mari Cordes.

As US Sanctions Maduro and Hints at Regime Change, a Debate on Resolving the Crisis in Venezuela
The Trump administration has issued sanctions against Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.

Negotiations, Not War: Green Party’s Jill Stein Warns About US Escalating Tension With North Korea
Tensions are again rising in the Korean Peninsula between the US and North Korea.

Retired Police Detective: Trump’s Comments Endorsing Police Brutality Are “Treasonous”
President Trump is facing widespread criticism from police chiefs across the country following a speech he gave on Friday to police officers.