Interview | Politics & Elections Laughing in the Face of Patriarchy: A Conversation With Myriam Gurba Gurba discusses humor in the age of Trump and #MeToo. By Mattilda Bernstein Sycamore , Truthout January 7, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Human Rights Me Too Creator Tarana Burke Reminds Us This Is About Black and Brown Survivors There's another “me too” story, about a movement that began a decade before it was a hashtag. By Zenobia Jeffries Warfield , YES!Magazine January 7, 2018 Truthout
Interview | War & Peace The Biggest Secret: James Risen on Life as a New York Times Reporter in the Shadow of the War on Terror An interview on how both the government and editors at The NY Times suppressed reporting. By Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! January 5, 2018 Truthout
Interview | War & Peace Norway Halts Weapons Sales in Yemen War, Citing Humanitarian Crisis, as US and Britain Continue Supply Norway will stop supplying weapons and ammunition to the United Arab Emirates. By Nermeen Shaikh & Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! January 4, 2018 Truthout
Interview | War & Peace North and South Korean Leaders Agree to Direct Negotiations as Trump Provokes Kim Jong-un on Twitter North and South Korea have opened lines of communication, saying they are open to direct negotiations. By Nermeen Shaikh & Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! January 4, 2018 Truthout
Interview | War & Peace Trump’s Vow to Support Iran Opposition Carries “No Credibility” as Demonstrations Enter Sixth Day Reza Sayah and Trita Parsi discuss contributing factors. By Juan González & Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! January 3, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Prisons & Policing Erica Garner Was “Unbought and Unbossed” in Push for Justice After Her Father Died in NYPD Chokehold Shaun King and Kirsten West Savali discuss the life of Erica Garner. By Juan González & Amy Goodman , DemocracyNow! January 3, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Economy & Labor “Working People Are the Real Experts on Their Lives”: How a Grassroots Group in North Carolina Is Fighting Trump’s Betrayal Tapping into the fighting spirit of rural North Carolina. By Sarah Jaffe , Truthout January 3, 2018 Truthout
Interview | Politics & Elections “How We Get Free”: Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor on Lessons of Radical Black Feminism in the Age of Trump The liberation of Black women is the genesis for human liberation. By Tasasha Henderson , Truthout December 31, 2017 Truthout
Interview | War & Peace When Was the US Ever an Honest Broker? CounterSpin interview with Phyllis Bennis on Jerusalem move. By Janine Jackson , FAIR December 30, 2017 Truthout