Nora BarrowsFriedman
Nora Barrows-Friedman is a journalist, photographer, musician, traveler and mother. Nora’s work is featured on the daily investigative newsmagazine, Flashpoints on KPFA/Pacifica Radio, where she has been Senior Producer and co-host since 2003. She is the recent recipient of a Lifetime Achievement Award in Media Freedom from the Media Freedom Foundation/Project Censored. In early January 2010, Nora was named as a Top 20 Global Media Figure of 2009 by Pulse Independent Media. She has worked closely with the Ibdaa Cultural Center in the Dheisheh Refugee Camp, occupied West Bank, since 2005, as a part of their media administration. Nora is also working in collaboration with Youth Radio, a national, award-winning, youth-oriented media training and production organization headquartered in Oakland.