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They Can’t Evict the 99 Percent

Politicians beholden to the 1% are trying to evict the Occupy movement, from Wall Street and elsewhere around the country. Meanwhile, in Washington, the “Super Committee” threatens to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, while protecting tax cuts for the 1% — and ignoring the need for jobs. But you cannot evict an idea. You cannot evict a coast-to-coast grassroots movement. On Thursday, the 1% is going to find that out. Fight corporate influence by keeping independent media strong! Click here to make a tax-deductible contribution to Truthout. Show them we refuse to be evicted – and we are continuing to fight for jobs, not cuts. Click here to join a “We are the 99%” event near you on Thursday, Nov. 17.

Politicians beholden to the 1% are trying to evict the Occupy movement, from Wall Street and elsewhere around the country.

Meanwhile, in Washington, the “Super Committee” threatens to cut Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, while protecting tax cuts for the 1% — and ignoring the need for jobs.

But you cannot evict an idea. You cannot evict a coast-to-coast grassroots movement. On Thursday, the 1% is going to find that out.

Fight corporate influence by keeping independent media strong! Click here to make a tax-deductible contribution to Truthout.

Show them we refuse to be evicted – and we are continuing to fight for jobs, not cuts. Click here to join a “We are the 99%” event near you on Thursday, Nov. 17.

In Washington, we are sending a clear message to the budget-slashing “Super Committee,” in Washington, DC at 10 AM. A major rally featuring Sen. Bernie Sanders, will take place inside the U.S. Senate – Room 608 of the Dirksen Senate Office Building. We will warn Congress against any “Super Committee” deal that cuts our retirement security and fails to create jobs for the 99%.

In New York City, civic actions are planned from sunrise to sunset, starting at the New York Stock Exchange and outside City Hall. More details are at

On the two-month anniversary of the Occupy movement, and two days after the brutal crackdown of Occupy Wall Street, rallies will be held all over the country highlighting the economic emergency facing the 99%: broken bridges, crumbling schools and widespread unemployment.

The nation will not see a beaten-down people. The nation will see a reenergized unstoppable movement, because there is too much at stake to remain silent.

The politicians are resorting to thuggish tactics because we have them on the run. Don't stop now.

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