Hoping for Cloture: Senate Liberals Drop Reconciliation Weapon In Fight for Health Reform
What happens if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid can't get the votes he needs from conservaDems and Joe Lieberman to shut down a filibuster before a final vote on …
President Obama’s admission in China that he will miss his self-imposed deadline for the closure of Guantánamo is disastrous for the majority of the 215 men still held in …
Military Tribunals – Justice Lite?
While Sarah Palin and other right-wing opportunists create a cottage industry in drumming up public hysteria about Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four other terror suspects from Guantanamo coming to …
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E.J. Dionne Jr. | The GOP’s No-Exit Strategy
Washington - Normal human beings — let's call them real Americans — cannot understand why, 10 months after President Obama's inauguration, Congress is still tied down in a procedural …
Report: Bush Officials Knew AIG Would Use Bailout Funds to Pay Counterparties
Government officials were aware that billions of dollars used to bail out American International Group (AIG) last year were used by the insurance giant to pay off its creditors, …
Not So Funny After All
I've been writing roughly once a week for months now about the insane circus that is today's Republican Party, mostly to make fun of them. It's difficult to do …
Ron Paul, Alan Grayson Beat Fed in House Committee Vote
The fight by financial reformers to hold the secretive Federal Reserve accountable for its role in allowing Wall Street and big banks to spiral out of control - and …
LBJ’s Path to War
Airtime: Friday, November 20, 2009, at 9:00 PM (EST) on PBS. (Click here to check local listings.)
Army Suicides Hit Record and Will Likely Continue to Rise
Suicides among veterans and soldiers have reached a record high this year and are set to continue rising, Pentagon officials said. The announcement, coming on the day that the …
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For Youth: A Disciplinary Discourse Only
“The present is a period of riots,” writes Alain Bertho.