Updated: US Senators: More Coal, Oil and Nukes Are “Solution” for Global Warming
The once-demonized nuclear industry got its biggest boost in years Thursday. A bipartisan coalition of US senators put forward a “framework” for climate legislation that aims to dramatically increase …
Blistering Indictment Leveled Against Obama Over His Handling of Bush-Era War Crimes
During his 36-minute speech upon accepting the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway Thursday, President Barack Obama explained to an audience of 1,000 how the United States has a …
Extent of Blackwater and CIA Collaboration Uncovered
New details of Blackwater participation in clandestine CIA raids detail the extent to which private security contractors were involved in covert government antiterror operations.
The Land Mines Obama Won’t Touch
Many people are troubled that Barack Obama flew to Oslo to receive the Nobel Peace Prize so soon after escalating the war in Afghanistan. He is now more than …
House Approves Sweeping Regulatory Reform Package
More than a year after the near-collapse of Wall Street plunged the economy into crisis, the House on Friday approved the most sweeping overhaul of the nation's financial regulatory …
Eugene Robinson | Obama – At War and Peace
Washington - The traditional Nobel Peace Prize lecture, given every year at Oslo's modernist City Hall, does not usually include such words as: "I am responsible for the deployment …
Left and Right, Pundits Applaud Obama Nobel Peace Prize Speech
Liberal and conservative pundits both approve of Obama's Nobel Peace Prize speech. They like his humility and his realism. Washington - If nothing else, the American punditocracy largely agreed …
Deals That Threaten Disasters
Deals for 16 reactors in a single day - so read India's nuclear score card on December 7, 2009. On this date, an agreement was reached in Moscow, under …
The Power of White Privilege
On the evening of Tuesday, November 24, a young couple from Virginia made their way into one of the most secure events in the country, President Obama's state dinner …
US-Iran Talks: The Road to Diplomatic Failure
The talks between the G5 plus 1 and Iran are careening toward a premature breakdown. If they do fall apart, it will be due in large part to a …