Power Team Battles Proposition 8
PBS Airtime: Friday, February 26, 2010, at 9:00 PM EST on PBS (check local listings).
Facing Down Danger to Make Reproductive Freedom a Reality
Abortion is one of the safest medical procedures in the country; ironically, those professionals and staff who make sure that abortion is safe may find their own safety compromised. …
Teabaggers Trying to Rewrite the Constitution
Sarah Palin stood before an audience of 600 at the first Tea Party convention and in her twinkly homespun rhetoric, she declared we don't need a professor of law …
Navy Agrees to Study Impact of Camp Lejeune’s Toxic Water
Washington - The Navy has agreed to pay $1.53 million for a mortality study that could show a linkage between toxic water at Camp Lejeune, N.C., and the deaths …
Robert Manning:
New federal credit card rules that took effect Monday promise to outlaw the most egregious practices of the credit card industry that have plunged customers into insurmountable debt. …
No Justice Forever – America’s New Foreign Policy of Indefinite Detention
Indefinite detention short circuits due process and turns the presumption of innocence on its head.
The Secret History of Gen. Alexander Haig
The obituaries in the mainstream media failed to capture the full extent of the controversy and confrontation that marked Gen. Alexander M. Haig's political career in the White House …
Air Strike on Civilians Reverberates Beyond Afghanistan
Washington - Amid growing European discontent over the war in Afghanistan, the head of U.S. and NATO forces apologised Monday for an air strike that killed at least 27 …
Capitalism Offers Unlimited Irresponsibility, for Some
Economic liberalism asserts that entrepreneurial freedom is a condition necessary to economic dynamism. It is efficient and just that those who exercise that freedom suffer the consequences of bad …
Remittances Also Benefit the United States
Tucson, Arizona - The billions of dollars in remittances sent abroad annually from the United States not only benefit the economy of the receiving countries, but also the economic …