
Hiroshima Survivors Denounce Move to Equate Pearl Harbor With Atomic Bombing
An estimated 237,000 people were killed from radiation poisoning, cancer and injuries in the five years after the bomb.

On the Cusp of Cleaning Up “Cancer Alley,” the EPA Caved to GOP Pressure
This week, the Environmental Protection Agency abruptly terminated three of its highest-profile civil rights complaints.

Supreme Court Kills Student Debt Relief, 1 Day After Slashing Affirmative Action
The decision comes as the student debt payment pause is slated to end, yanking away a chance at relief for millions.

SCOTUS Sides With Website Creator Seeking to Discriminate Against LGBTQ People
The 6-3 decision fell along partisan lines, with all six conservatives siding with a business's “right” to discriminate.

Anti-LGBTQ Petitioners Apparently Made Up Gay Couple Cited in Major SCOTUS Case
The wedding website designer who brought the case has also never once made a wedding website.

Historians Condemn Philly Museum for Hosting Right-Wing Moms for Liberty Event
Moms for Liberty aims “to obstruct the professional responsibilities of historians,” one historians' group said.

Corporate Donors Fund Dark Money Push for Third Party Presidential Challenger
Of the 36 disclosed by the IRS, only two are not corporate executives, retired corporate executives or their spouses.

DeSantis Says He Would Eliminate 4 Federal Agencies, Including IRS, as President
Notably excluded from DeSantis’s wishlist are agencies like the Pentagon that fuel militarization.

The State Is Increasingly Weaponized Against the Most Marginalized
DOJ investigations into white supremacists fell dramatically as those targeting “abortion-related” activism grew.

Oregon Legislature Advances Ballot Question on Ranked-Choice Voting
Two states currently have ranked-choice voting for statewide elections. That number could double by next fall.