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Home Is Where the Truth Is

Dear Truthout community,

Dear Truthout community,

It feels very natural for me to use the word “community” as I write to you now in hopes that you’ll support Truthout, but I think it’s worth pausing and asking, what is a community, anyway? I certainly don’t have the authoritative answer to that question; if I did, I would probably have written a bestselling book about it and made enough money for Truthout to never have to fundraise again. But what I do know is that every day, we hear from readers who thank us for providing a place they can call home amid the sprawling, soulless expanse of the Internet.

Truthout is a home for people with soul, people who care about the world and where it is heading. It’s a place where people of conscience can gather together, ask the questions, search for the solutions and spread the word. Empowered by such a community, we need not descend into hopelessness and resign ourselves to slouching over the dinner table, muttering listlessly about the conservative crazies holding our doomed society hostage. We can arm ourselves with insight and begin to envision a future, together.

I’m not the only one who thinks Truthout is a crucial lifeline to the hope of democracy. (Admittedly, I’m a little biased toward the organization, since I put about 102 hours per week into producing it and dream about it every night.) Check out what a couple of our friends have to say:

Truthout is the stage on which real journalism can perform unshackled and uncensored. And since joining with Buzzflash, it just becomes the have-you-read-that? site. Its truth goes marching on!
-Greg Palast, world-renowned investigative journalist and author of the New York Times bestseller, “Armed Madhouse”

Truthout is one of our country’s most important independent news outlets – offering top-notch analysis and reporting on a daily basis, the kind not available in corporate news outlets. I couldn’t do without Truthout.
-Jeff Cohen, founder of Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting (FAIR)

Take a look at a few of the other progressive leaders, including activists, authors, labor leaders and scholars, who’ve also found a home at Truthout, here.

I’m honored to join these folks in helping to make Truthout what it is – a virtual gathering of wonderful, soulful people with shared concerns, shared desires, shared frustrations and shared dreams.

During these difficult times, we’re fighting with everything we’ve got to keep our community alive. Please join us today by donating what you can afford here:

Click here
to donate.
Click here to donate.
(Truthout is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. EIN: 20-0031641)

You can also donate by check, made payable to:
Truthout, P.O. Box 276414, Sacramento, CA 95827
(Please help our effort to go green by including your email ,address on your check.)

Or donate by phone:

If you have questions or ideas, feel free to email me directly at [email protected] – or check out our Frequently Asked Questions at

A big thanks to all of you for reading Truthout!

All the best,
Maya Schenwar, Executive Director

Countdown is on: We have 10 days to raise $50,000

Truthout has launched a necessary fundraising campaign to support our work. Can you support us right now?

Each day, our team is reporting deeply on complex political issues: revealing wrongdoing in our so-called justice system, tracking global attacks on human rights, unmasking the money behind right-wing movements, and more. Your tax-deductible donation at this time is critical, allowing us to do this core journalistic work.

As we face increasing political scrutiny and censorship for our reporting, Truthout relies heavily on individual donations at this time. Please give today if you can.