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Here’s What to Do If You Want to Help Stop the Iran War

Let’s hold our senators to account and block Trump from starting an unconstitutional war.

Protesters gather in front of the White House to speak out against a possible war with Iran on June 23, 2019, in Washington, D.C.

On Tuesday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell finally relented and agreed that the Senate could vote on the Udall-Paul amendment to block unconstitutional war with Iran. This amendment would block President Trump from doing what, by his own account, he was 10 minutes away from doing last Thursday: bombing Iran without congressional authorization, in flagrant violation of Article I of the Constitution and the War Powers Resolution of 1973.

If all 47 Senate Democrats, together with Rand Paul and Mike Lee, vote for the Udall-Paul amendment, that would make 49. Although the amendment would require 60 votes to pass, we’d just need two more votes, 51, to get to a place where a win is in sight. This is because if we prove there are 51 solid votes to prohibit, then there are 51 votes to introduce and pass an Iran War Powers Resolution, which only requires 51 votes. So, 51 votes wouldn’t pass the amendment now, but it would prove that the Senate could vote to prohibit unconstitutional war with Iran anytime they want.

Seven Senate Republicans voted for the Yemen War Powers Resolution in March. They thereby pledged their allegiance to Article I of the Constitution, which grants Congress the power to declare war, and the War Powers Resolution of 1973, which states that the “President in every possible instance shall consult with Congress” before going to war.

Rand Paul and Mike Lee are accounted for; they will support the amendment to block unconstitutional war. Republican Sen. Todd Young of Indiana has defected to McConnell. That leaves four Republicans who voted for the Yemen War Powers Resolution unaccounted for.

Let’s hold them to account. Moving from East to West, here are their phone numbers:

Susan Collins of Maine: (202)224-2523

Jerry Moran of Kansas: (202) 224-6521

Steve Daines of Montana: (202) 224-2651

Lisa Murkowski of Alaska: (202)-224-6665

The less-war, more-Constitution forces just need two of these four Republicans to back the Udall-Paul amendment to get to 51, proving we have the votes for an Iran War Powers Resolution.

If you want to call all four senators, call all four. I called all four. If you want to call one, call the one corresponding to your time zone below.

Eastern time zone: Susan Collins of Maine, (202)224-2523

Midwest: Jerry Moran of Kansas, (202) 224-6521

Mountain: Steve Daines of Montana, (202) 224-2651

Pacific and everybody else: Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, (202)-224-6665

When you reach a staffer or leave a message, you can say something like:

“I urge you to publicly announce your support of the Udall-Paul amendment to block unconstitutional war with Iran. Please tell me how you intend to vote.

When you’ve made your calls, tell your friends, on Facebook, on Twitter, on Instagram, on the phone, or in person — however you tell your friends things — to inspire them to call.

Here’s what happened when I made my four calls:

Senator Collins: I left a message on her answering machine.

Senator Moran: I left a message with the staffer who answered the phone. He did not ask where I was calling from.

Senator Daines: I left a message on his answering machine.

Senator Murkowski: I left a message with the staffer who answered the phone. She asked me for my zip code and didn’t protest when I told the truth. She said that Senator Murkowski had made no statement. I encouraged that she do so.

It’s your turn. Make your calls, tell your friends. Let’s hold these senators to account and block Trump from starting an unconstitutional war.