Syriza’s potential victory in the forthcoming elections in Greece is of the utmost importance for all those who want Europe to change course. Such a victory would be an expression of the demand for dignity and justice: for hope. The threats and pressure applied by EU leaders, the Troika and financial circles to influence the electoral choice of the Greek people are unacceptable.
Throughout Europe, we will defend the right of the Greek people to make their decisions freely; to break with austerity; to say ‘no’ to the humanitarian crisis which has plagued the country; to pave the way for a real alternative for Greece – for a social and democratic reorientation.
Most political forces in Greece bow down to the Troika, but Alexis Tsipras and Syriza decided to do the opposite. They have created, working closely with the social movements, a broad coalition whose dynamism may well win a majority. Syriza and its allies propose to fight back against the humanitarian crisis, to restore collective agreements and labour rights, to create a fair tax system and to democratise the political system. A Syriza government will make Greece a credible player and will make the survival of the country and the people a precondition at the outset of any negotiations. The government will commit the country to a new path, rejecting corruption and patronage, opting instead for a new type of development in the interests of all. It will propose a European Conference on Debt to partially cancel the debt. The reimbursement modalities for the remaining part can facilitate an economic recovery through a large public investment programme – which should not be included in the Stability and Growth Pact – and a response to urgent social needs. At European level, it will propose a European New Deal for human development and environmental transition. Throughout Europe, we need to break with the rationale which is destroying Europe’s collective social gains and fuelling the rise of nationalism and right-wing populism. We need a new project, based on inclusive development, cooperation and democracy.
Throughout Europe, we believe that such a change in Greece will not affect the future of the Greek people alone. A victory for Syriza will allow Greece to escape from the current catastrophic situation but it will also represent green shoots of change for Europe. Breaking with austerity policies would be a signal, a source of hope for those who want to stand tall. At the same time, if Syriza is voted into power, its government will need massive support from the people of Europe in the face of the pressures from the financial markets and political forces which fear any departure from the obsolete framework of capitalist globalisation.
Across society, from wide political and social forces, from many organisations and walks of life: we do not accept the pressure brought to bear to prevent the Greek people from exercising their free choice. Those exerting this pressure today share responsibility for the perpetuation of harmful ‘shock therapy’ at all costs.
Throughout Europe, we are assuming our responsibilities, supporting those engaged in struggle, changing the balance of power, waging the battle of ideas and uniting all those who want to build – alongside the Greek people – a social, environmental and democratic Europe. We stand with the Greek people because their battle is also ours.
Dino ABAZOVIC | Bosnia-Herzegovina | Sociologist – Open University
Nicola ACOCELLA | Italy | Professor of Economic Policy – La sapienza – University of Rome
Etienne ADAM | France | Trade unionist – Caen
Giorgio AGAMBEN | Italy | Philosopher
Christophe AGUITON | France | Social activist and trade unionistTariq ALI | United Kingdom | Writer
John ALLEN | United Kingdom | Professor Open University
Elmar ALTVATER | Germany | Economist – Scientific Council Attac Germany
Nacho ALVAREZ | Spain | Department of Applied Economics – University of Valladolid
Fernanda ANGIUS | Literary critic
Thémis APOSTOLIDIS | France | Professor, social-psychologist
Mariano ARAGONES GARCIA | Spain | Journalist
Daniele ARCHIBUGI | Italy | Research Director at the Italian National Research Council (CNR) – Rome
Stanley ARONOWITZ | United States | Distinguished Professor – Graduate Center, City University of New York
Arto ARTINIAN | United States | Assistant Professor of Social Science, Borough of Manhattan Community College
Gérard ASCHIERI | France | Trade unionist
Uri AVNERY | Israel | Activist and writer
Walter BAIER | Austria | Economist, coordinator Transform ! Europe
Gopal BALAKRISHNAN | United States | Associate Professor of History – University of California
Etienne BALIBAR | France | Emeritus Professor– Paris Nanterre
Josep BANYULS LLOPIS | Spain | Profesor Titular Universidad
Jean-Jacques BAREY | France | Acteur culturelAlfredo BARROSO | Portugal | Journalist, former head of the presidential house
Marija BARTL | Netherlands | Assistant Professor – Law Faculty – University of Amsterdam
Bernd BELINA | Germany | Professor of geography – Goethe University – Frankfurt
Matyas BENYIK | Hungary | Chairman, ATTAC Hungary
Charles BERNSTEIN | United States | Donald T. Regan Professor of English and Comparative Literature – university of Pennsylvania
Jacques BIDET | France | Philosophe – emeritus professor – university of Paris Ouest Nanterre
Andreas BIELER | United Kingdom | Professor of Political Economy –School of Politics and International Relations – University of Nottingham
Franco Berardi BIFO | Italy | Philosopher
Jean BIGOT | France | Film Producer
Frédéric BOCCARA | France | Lecturer of Economics at the University Paris 13
Gerhard BOCK | Germany
Raffaella BOLLINI | Italy | L’Altra Europa con Tsipras
Sergio BOLOGNA | Italy | SociologistHermann BOMER | Germany | Technical University of Dortmund
Nicole BORVO | France | Honorary senaorPaul BOVE | United States | Professor of English at the University of Pittsburgh
Einar BRAATHEN | Norway | Political scientist
Jean-Claude BRANCHEREAU | France | Trade unionist and socialist
Ulrich BRAND | Austria/Germany | Political Scientist
Trautl BRANDSTALLER | Austria | Journalist
Rony BRAUMAN | France | Doctor, publicist
Brid BRENNAN | Ireland | TNI’s Alternative Regionalisms Programme Coordinator.
Ulrike BRETH | Deutschland | Institut Solidarische Moderne e.V.
Patrick BRODY | France | Trade unionist
Harry BROWNE | Ireland | Writer and lecturer in Dublin Institute of Technology
Jean BRUNACCI | France | Syndicaliste – secrétaire de l’Union régionale Solidaires des pays de la Loire
Ray BUSH | United Kingdom | Professor of African studies and development politics – University of Leeds
Judith BUTLER | United States | Maxine Elliot Professor in the Department of Comparative Literature and the Program of Critical Theory – University of California, Berkeley
Christoph BUTTERWEGGE | Germany | Professor – University of Köln
Nadezda CACINOVIC | Croatia | Philosopher – University of Zagreb
Gisèle CAILLOUX | France | Commission économique – PCF
Ankica AKARDI | Croatia | University of Zagreb
Jean-Yves CAMUS | France | Political Scientist
Mario CANDEIAS | Germany | Political Scientist – Direktor des Institus fur Gesellschaftsanalyse – Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung – Berlin
Philip CASEY | Ireland | Poet and Novelist
Matthew CAYGILL | United Kingdom | School of Cultural Studies & Humanities, Leeds Beckett University
Gayatri CHAKRAVORTY SPIVAK | United States | University Professor in the Humanities – Columbia University
Vincent CHARBONNIER | France | Teacher and doctorand in philosophy
Vivek CHIBBER | United States | Professor of Sociology – Center of Advanced Social Science Research – New.York.University
Noam CHOMSKY | United States | MIT
Sarah CLANCY | Ireland | Poet
John P. CLARK | United States | Emeritus professor of philosophy – loyola University – New Orleans
Patrice COHEN-SEAT | France | President of Espaces Marx
Gabriel COLLETIS | France | Professor of economy – Toulouse 1 –Capitole
Benjamin CORIAT | France | Professor of economy – University Paris13 – Sorbonne Cité
Enrique CORREA CATALA | SpainAnnick COUPE | France | Trade unioist
Pierre COURS-SALIES | France | Sociologist – professor University Paris 8Thomas COUTROT | France | Speaker Attac
Denys CROLOTTE | France | Lecturer in ecucation
Michael CRONIN | Ireland | Professor – Centre for Translation and Textual Studies SALIS – Dublin City University
Alexis CUKIER | France | Philosopher
Rolf CZESKLEBA-DUPONT | Danmark | Lecturer social science Roskilde University
CLARE DALY | Ireland | Member of the Irish Parliament
Lieven DE CAUTER | Belgium | Philosopher-writer – University of Leuven – Brussels
Herman DE LEY | Belgium | Emeritus professor Ghent University
Jan De VRIES | Germany | Trade union secretary – Hannover
Raymond DEANE | Ireland | Composer, author, political activist
Marc DELEPOUVE | France | Academic and trade unioistJudith DELHEIM | Germany | Senior fellow Rosa Luxemburg Foundation
Pilar DEL RIO | Portugal | Journalist and head of the Saramago Foundation
Alex DEMIROVIC | Germany | Apl Professor, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main
Frank DEPPE | Germany | Professor Political Sciences
Richard DETJE | Germany | WISSENtransfer
Pat DEVINE | United Kingdom | University of Manchester
France DI GIUSTO | France | Retraitée – CNRS
Claude DIDRY | France | Chercheur au CNRS
John DOUGLAS | Ireland | President of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions
Costas DOUZINAS | United Kingdom | Birkbeck Institute for humanities
Bernard DREANO | France | President of the French section of the Helsinki Citizens Assembly
Jean-Michel DREVON | France | Trade unionist
Véronique DUBARRY | France | Assistent to the mayor of IIle-Saint-Denis – EELV
Jean-Pierre DUBOIS | France | Activist of the Humann Rights Ligue
Jean-Numa DUCANGE | France | Historian – University of Rouen
Ulrich DUCHROW | Germany | Professor – Heidelberg
Denis DURAND | France | Trade unionist – Banque de France
Wlodzimierz DYMARSKI | Poland | Poznan University of Economics
Gary DYMSKI | United Kingdom | Professor of applied economics – Leeds University Business School
Matthias EBERNAU | Germany | Trade union official
Stuart ELDEN | United Kingdom | Professor of Political Theory and Geography, University of Warwick
Philippe ENCLOS | France | Teacher and researcher of law
Trevor EVANS | Germany | professor of economy, EuroMemo group
Anne EYDOUX | France | Economist
Richard FALK | United States ] Princeton
Sarah FARRIS | United Kingdom | Goldsmiths College, University of London
Jean-luc FAUGUET | France | Universitaire-sociologist
Gerard FILOCHE | France | member of the national executive board of the socialist party
Andreas FISAHN | Germany | Professor of public law, University of Bielefeld
Jörg FLECKER | Austria | Professor of Sociology
Teresa FORCADES | Spain | Monestir Sant Benet Montserrat
Frances FOX PIVEN | United States | Graduate School – City University of New York
Carlos FRADE | United Kingdom | Senior Lecturer in Sociology – University of Salford-Manchester
Elena FRANGAKIS-SYRETT | United States | Professor of Economic History – Queens College and the Graduate Center – City University of New York
Adeline FRENZEL | Germany | Student
Daniel FRIEDRICH | Germany | Union secretary
Bernard FRIOT | France | Economistist and sociologist
Maryse GADREAU | France | Professor emerituseur – university of Bourgogne
Jean GADREY | France | Professor of economy
James K. GALBRAIGHT | United States | Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr. Chair in Government/Business relations – University of Texas – Austin
Dan GALLIN | Switzerland | Global Labour Institute, Geneva
Manuel GARCIA ALGARRA | Spain | Spokesperson of the social list group in the local council of Massalfassar
Isabelle GARO | France | Teacher and activist of the Front de Gauche
Adriana GARRIGA-LOPEZ | United States | Poet, anthropologist
Sabine GATZ | Germany | Union Secretary
Elisabeth GAUTHIER | France | Transform ! Europe/Espaces Marx
Didier GELOT | France | Economist
Jacques GENEREUX | France | Professor – Institut of political stuidies, Paris
Susan GEORGE | France | Writer, Honorary president of ATTAC
Henry GIROUX | Canada | Chair for Scholarship in the public Interest – Mc Master University, Hamilton, Ontario
Sérgio GODINHO | Portugal | SingerRoland GORI | France | Appel des appels
John GRAHL | United Kingdom | Middlesex University Business School
Penny GREEN | United Kingdom | St. Mary’s College – University of London
Edith GROßPIETSCH | Germany
Adoracion GUAMAN HERNANDEZ | Spain | Professor of labour law
Gérard GUERIN | France | Agronomist
Laura GUNTHER | Germany | StudentKenneth HAAR | Danmark | Researcher
Fabienne HALOUI | France | Regional counceler, PCF, Front de Gauche
Michael HARDT | United States | Duke University
Marta HARNECKER | Chile | Author and popular educator
Jean-Marie HARRIBEY | France | Economists, University of Bordeaux
Martin HARRIES | United States | Professor, University of california – Irvine
David HARVEY | United States | Distinguished Professor of Anthropology and Geography
Keller HEINRICH | Austria | LawyerArne HEISE | Germany | Professor of economics – Hamburg University
Gottfried HELNWEIN | Austria | Painter
Peter HERRMANN | Hungary | Corvinus University – Faculty of Economics – Department of World Economy – Budapest,
Miloslav HETTES | Slowakei | Asst Professor – lecturer
Ted HONDERICH | United Kingdom | Emeritus Professor – philosophy of mind and logic – University College London
Laura HORN | Danmark | Roskilde UniversitySrecko HORVAT | Croatia | philosopher
Kate HUDSON | United Kingdom | Visiting Fellow at London South Bank University
Paul HUDSON | Germany | University Wittemburg-Halle
Ray HUDSON | United Kingdom | Professor of geography and acting cancelor –University of Durham
Wang HUI | China | Tsingshua University
Johannes JÄGER | Austria | Economist
Bob JESSOP | United Kingdom | Distinguished Professor of Sociology –University of Lancaster
Inger V. JOHANSEN | Danmark | transform!danmark
Christian JUHL | Danmark | Member of parliamentArni Daniel JULIUSSON | Iceland | ATTAC IcelandClaudine KAHANE | France | Trade unionist
Kerstin KAISER | Germany | Member of the state parliament of Brandenburg – Die LINKEUte KALBITZER | Germany | Board member of Institut für Solidarische Moderne
Mary KALDOR | United Kingdom | Professor of Global Governance – London School of Economics and Political Science
Andreas KALYVAS | United States | Associate Professor and Chair Department of Politics – New School for Social Research and the Eugene Lang College
Piotr KAWIORSKI | Poland
Danièle KERGOAT | France | Honorary research director of CNRS
Fabian KESSL | Germany | University Duisburg-Essen,
Razmig KEUCHEYAN | France | Sociologist, University Paris – Sorbonne – Paris 4
Pierre KHALFA | France | Co-president of Copernic-Foundation
Johann KRESNIK | Choreographer and theater director
Gregor KRITIDIS | Germany | Historian
Kalle KUNKEL | Germany | Union Secretary
Jean-Marc LACHAUD | France | Philosopher-Professor at the University Paris-Panthéon-Sorbonne
Xavier LAMBERT | France | University Professor
Dany LANG | France | Maitre de conférences – Université Paris 13 – Sorbonne Cité
Stéphane LAVIGNOTTE | France | Pastor, president of ésident du Christianisme social
Kristin LAWLER | United States | College of Mount Saint Vincent, New York City
Mary N. LAYOUN | United States | Professor – Comperative literature – University of Wisconsin
MAURIZIO LAZARRATO | France | Philosopher
Manon LE BRETTON | France | Teacher, Trade unionist, Parti de Gauche
Jeremy LEAMAN | United Kingdom | Senior lecturer in European Political Economy – Loughborough University
Frédéric LEBARON | France | Sociologist
Michael A LEBOWITZ | Canada | Emeritus Professor of economics – Simon Fraser University
Philippe LEGE | France | Economist
Steffen LEHNDORFF | Germany | University of Duisburg
Sabine LEIDIG | Germany | Member of the parliament, Die LINKE
Ken LOACH | United Kingdom | Filmmaker
Olivier LONG | France | Painter and teacher, Paris 1 Sorbonne
SERGIO LOPES | Portugal | Professor
Isabelle LORAND | France | Surgeon
Gérard LORRAIN | France | University teacher
Peter LOTHAR | Germany | Professor em. University Bremen
Francisco LOUÇÃ | Portugal | University Teacher of ISEG
Michael LOWY | France | Sociologist and philosopher
Birgit MAHNKOPF | Germany | Economist University Berlin
Pascal MAILLARD | France | Professor Université de Strasbourg – responsable SNESUP-FSU
Christian MARAZZI | Switzerland | Scualo universitaria professionale
Susan MARKS | United Kingdom | Professor at the London School of Economics and Political Science
Philippe MARLIERE | United Kingdom | Professor of politicak Sciences
Jochen MARQUARDT | Germany | DGBRoger MARTELLI | France | Historian
Guy MARTIN | France | geographer
Carlos MARTINEZ | Spain | Alternativa Socialista
Doreen MASSEY | United Kingdom | Emeritus professor of geography – Open University
Gus MASSIAH | France | Altermondialiste
Ignazio MASULLI | Italy | Professor of History of Labour – University of Bologna
Gérard MAUGER | France | Sociologuist
Margit MAYER | Germany | Emeritus Professor of sociology, Berlin
Philippe MAZEREAU | France | LecturerNiamh Mc CREA | Ireland | ATTAC Ireland
Meredith L. McGILL | United States | Associate Professor of English – Rutgers University – New jersey
Alessandra MECOZZI | Italy | Union and altermondialist activistDominique MEDA | France | Sociologist
Mahmoud MESKOUB | Netherlands | Senior Lecturer International Institute of Social Studies (Erasmus University of Rotterdam)
Sandro MEZZADRA | Italy | Associate Professor of Political Theory, University of Bologna
Jo MICHELL | United Kingdom | Senior Lecturer in Economics – University of West England – Bristol
Rastko MO?NIK | SIovenia | University of Ljubljana
Serge MONCHAUD | France | Professor emeritus
Nuno MONIZ | Portugal | cul:tra
Gilles MONSILLON | France | Environmental activist, Ensemble
Gérard MORDILLAT | France | Novelist and filmmaker
Roberto MOREA | Italy | Transform ! italia
Kevin MORGAN | United Kingdom | Professor of Geography – Cardiff University
Luisa MORGANTINI | Italy | Former Member of the European Parliament.
Judith MORVA | Hungary | Economist
Lilja MOSESSDOTTIR | Norway | Former MPof Iceland and Senior researcher – Moss – Norway
Chantal MOUFFE | United Kingdom | Professor of political theory – University of Westminster – London
Clara MOURA LOURENCO | Portugal | Professor, activist of the Citizen movement for Coimbra
Aamir MUFTI | United States | Associate Professor – Department of Comparative Literature Department – University of California – Los Angeles (UCLA)
Karma NABULSI | United Kingdom | Professor of Politics and International Relations – Oxford University
Corinne NATIVEL | France | Teacher and researcher University Paris-Est Créteil
Wolfgang NEEF | Germany
Antonio NEGRI | Italy | philosopher
Armand NEJADE | France | Researcher
Marc NEVEU | France | Trade unioist-professor, University of Bourgogne
ANDREJ NIKOLAIDIS | Montenegro | Writer
Pierre NOEL | France | Trade unioist
Sam NOLAN | Ireland | Secretary of Dublin Council of Trade Union
Andreas NOVY | Austria | University Professor
Ronan O’BRIEN | Belgium | Independent researcher – Brussels
Fabienne ORSI | France | Economist
David PALUMBIO-LIU | United States | Louise Hewlett Nixon Professor, professor of comparative Literature – Stanford University
Leo V. PANITCH | Canada | Distinguished Research Professor of Political Science – York University, Member of Royal Society of Canada
Ian PARKER | United Kingdom | Professor of Management – University of Leicester
Andrew PARKER | United States | Rutgers University
Heiki PATOMAKI | Finland | Professor of World Politics
José Luís PEIXOTO | Portugal | Writer
Roland PFEFFERKORN | France | Professeur – Strasbourg
Mario PIANTA | Italy | Economist, University of Urbino
Klaus PICKSHAUS | Germany | Publicist and trade unionist
Christian PILICHOWSKY | France | Trade unionistEugénia PIRES | Portugal | Economist-doctorand at the school of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)
Nicoletta PIROTTA | Italy | Member of Feminists for Another Europe
Dominique PLIHON | France | Economist, Scientific council of ATTAC
Viggo PLUM | Denmark | Professor Roskilde University
Robert POLLIN | United States| Professor of Economics University of Mass at Amherst
Nina POWER | United Kingdom | University of RoehamptonMiroslav PROKESCH | Czech Republic | Alliance of Labour and Solidarity,
Daniel PUERTO GARCIA | France | Laboratory lasers plasmas et photonic processes (LP3), CNRS and University of the Mediterranean, Marseille
Christophe RAMAUX | France | Economist, UniversityParis I
Sabine REINER | Germany | Trade union secretary, Verdi
Sebastian RIOUX | Canada | Postdoctoral Fellow Department of Geography The University of British Columbia
Jean-François ROBBIC | France | Artist/University Professor
Bruce ROBBINS | United States | Old Dominion Foundation – professor in the humanities – Philosophy Hall – Columbia University, NY
Helena ROSETA | Portugal
Philippe ROUSSEAU | France | Professor emeritus of Greek language and literature, University Charles de Gaulle – Lille 3 – honorary président of the university (2000-2005)
Wermer RUGEMER | Germany | Publicist, lecturer – university of Koln
Carlos RUIZ ESCUDERO | Spain
Thomas SABLOWSKI | Germany | Social scientist, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung
Nina SANKARI | Poland | Feminists for Another Europe
Saskia SASSEN | United States | Columbia University
Thomas SAUER | Germany | Professor of Economics Ernst-Abbe University of Applied Sciences – Jena
Constantin SAYEGH | Switzerland | Doctor
Andrew SAYER | United Kingdom | Emeritus Professor – Lancaster University
Michael SCHARANG | Austria | Writer
Sebastian SCHIPPER | Germany | University – Weimar
Horst SCHMITTHENNER | Germany | IG Metall
Hannelore SCHMITTHENNER-BOPP | Germany | IG Metall
Herbert SCHUI | Germany | Economist, professur Emerit
Stephan SCHULMEISTER | Austria | Economist
Ursula SCHUMM-GARLING | Germany | Professor – member of SOSTv.E.
Jürgen SCHWIERS | Germany | Union Secretary, ver.di
Cristina SEMBLANO | France | Economist – University of Paris IV – Sorbonne
Jane SHALLICE | United Kingdom | Educator – Activist – Member of the British Committee for the Reunification of the Parthenon Marbles – Stop the War Coalition
Helena SHEEHAN | Ireland | Emeritus Professor – Dublin City University
Stuart SHIELDS | United Kingdom | University of Manchester
Solange SIDEIRA | France | Member of the Feminists for another Europe
Irene SILVERBLATT | United States | Director of Undergraduate Studies, Cultural Anthropology – Duke University – Durham
Makis SOLOMOS | France | Professor, University Paris 8
Armando F. STEINKO | Spain | Sociologist – University Computensia Madrid
Henri STERDYNIAK | France | Co-faciliator of the Economistes Atterrés
Bernard STIEGLER | France | Philosopher
Igor STIKS | Scotland | Edinburgh University
Marlene STREERUWITZ | Austria | Writer
Alexandra STRICKNER | Austria | Economist
Erik SWYNDEDOUW | United Kingdom | Professor of Geography – School of Environment and Development-Manchester University
Jean-Michel TARRIN | France | Activist of ensemble 92
Jacques TESTART | France | Biologist
Peter D. THOMAS | United Kingdom | Senior Lecturer, Department of Politics, History & the Brunel Law School
Eric THOUZEAU | France | Regional counceler (Pays de Loire), socialist
Henrik TOFT JENSEN | Denmark | Professor and former vice rector Roskilde University
Daniel TONDEUR | France | Research director – emeritus.
Jan TOPOROWSKI | United Kingdom | Professor of Economics and Finance, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London
Alberto TOSCANO | United Kingdom | Reader in Critical Theory Department of Sociology-Goldsmiths – University of London
André TOSEL | France | Philosopher
Eric TOUSSAINT | Belgium | Spokesperson CADTM international – Liege
Enzo TRAVERSO | United States | Cornell University
Aurélie TROUVE | France | Altermondialist
Sol TRUMBO VILA | Spain | Economic Justice, Corporate Power and Alternatives Program, Transnational Institute (TNI)
Raymond VACHERON | France | Syndicaliste et socialiste
Felipe VAN KEIRSBILCK | Belgium | Altersummi
tEleni VARIKAS | France | Professor emeritus – University Paris 8
Marie-Christine VERGIAT | France | Députée Européenne GUE-NGL
Marie-Dominique VERNHES | Germany | ATTAC Germany
Eva VÖLPEL | Germany | Press officer of federal board ver.di
Hilary WAINWRIGHT | United Kingdom | Co-editor, Red Pepper, Fellow, Transnational Institute
Wiliam WALL | Ireland | Writer
Mick WALLACE | Ireland | Member of the Irish Parliament
Immanuel WALLERSTEIN | US/France | Social scientist and social historian
Louis WEBER | France | Revue Savoir/Agir
Ruth WODAK | United Kingdom | Professor – University of Lancaster
Frieder Otto WOLF | Germany | Faculty member – Institut für Philosophie Department – Freie Universität Berlin
Richard D. WOLFF | United States | Emeritus Professor – economics – University of Massachusets
Santiago ZABALA | Spain | ICREA, Pompue Fabra University, Barcelone
Karim ZAHIDI | Belgium | Dept. of Philosophy, University of Antwerp
Jean ZIEGLER | Switzerland | Sociologist, former member of the UN Human Rights Council
Slavoj ZIZEK | United Kingdom | Birkbeck Institute for humanities
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