Part of the Series
Welcome to “Growing Season,” the fourth installment of The Ladydrawers Comics Collective’s ongoing comics journalism series for Truthout. Following the success of “Our Fashion Year,” in which we traced connections between the garment trade and the sex trade in comics (coming soon in book form), we decided to let readers decide what we’d look at next. Overwhelmingly, you said: food! Luckily, our collaborator, Sarah Becan, is one of the best food-focused comics creators in the business and we’re thrilled to bring her back for the first few strips.
“Roots and Migrations,” the first strip in our series, looks at how food culture and traditions came to the United States; for our April strip, we will talk to the folks trying to keep the food traditions that predate colonization alive. Our aim is to explore race, health and public policy by looking closely at what we eat and where it comes from, and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you.