Video Posts

Dr. Cornel West: Greetings From a 21st-Century Prophet
“To be human, you must bear witness to justice,” West writes.

Right-Wing Anti-Abortion Ferver Extends to Birth Control and More
Rachel Maddow reports on a movement to oppose the birth control pill that is finding some quarter in the broader big government conservative movement. Visit for breaking news, …

Why Europeans Fight “Austerity” More Successfully than Americans

Protesters Pack Tahrir to Push Military Council on Unfulfilled Revolutionary Demands

The Basic Economics of National Health Insurance (Video)

Exclusive Interview with Manuel Zelaya on the U.S. Role in Honduran Coup, WikiLeaks and Why He Was Ousted
Shortly after Manuel Zelaya returned to his home this weekend for the first time since the 2009 military coup d’etat, he sat down with Democracy Now! for an exclusive …

Anti-Riot Police Clear Cataluna Square
More at The Real News EuroNews: Spanish police in anti-riot gear fired rubber bullets and swung truncheons to disperse peaceful protesters in Barcelona.

The Eros Effect and the Arab Uprisings: An Interview With George Katsiaficas
(Photo: Maged Helal / Flickr)

Man Arrested for Planned Attack on Planned Parenthood Clinic

WikiLeaks: Saudis Often Warned US About Oil Speculators (Video)
Click here to read Kevin G. Hall's story. TRANSCRIPT: