Israel and the Palestinian Authority have resumed peace talks for the first time in three years, but the two sides appear as far apart as ever on the key …
After being held incommunicado for nearly four weeks, ousted Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi was allowed to meet today with European Union envoy Catherine Ashton.
Military carries out second major massacre of Muslim Brotherhood supporters as fears increase of escalating violence and a return of widespread political repression.
In today's On the News segment: The Republican Party is set to try to force more extreme austerity measures on President Obama; a new report by the Associated Press …
Examining the little island with big direct democracy ideas, the documentary ‘Pots, Pans and Other Solutions’ tells the story of Iceland's reaction to the financial crash.
Ted Asregadoo speaks to journalist, Ellen Cantarow, about an interview posted on Truthout featuring Louis W. Allstadt - a former executive with Mobil Oil - on the environmental dangers …