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Because It’s Time to End the Afghanistan War… (Video)

With a war in its 10th year, it’s time to end it. With violence in Afghanistan still worsening a year after the military push into Marjah—the start of what some call “Obama’s War”—it’s clear military solutions won’t work. It’s time to end the war.

With a war in its 10th year, it’s time to end it.

With violence in Afghanistan still worsening a year after the military push into Marjah—the start of what some call “Obama’s War”—it’s clear military solutions won’t work. It’s time to end the war.

Leave your name, picture, and comment on why you think it’s time to end the war. We will display them on this site.

Then, on 1/26 you will vote for your favorite comments. The top comments will be used to make our next Rethink Afghanistan video and feature the people who posted them.

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