Water Wars and Creeping Privatization
The Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act holds promise for life in a world shaped by climate change. However, privatization proponents are working hard to privatize ownership and control …
Right-Wingers Advised to Invest in Water as Fracking in Drought Areas Prompts Activism
Some see this crisis in one of the essential needs for human life as an opportunity for profit.
A National Call: Come to Detroit, Link Arms to Stop the Water Shut Offs and Fight for Democracy
After thousands have had their water shut off in Detroit, people plan to protest the human rights violation and privatization that has ensued since the Wall Street-engineered financial crisis.
Federal Appeals Court Upholds EPA Efforts on Mountaintop Removal
Court rejects coal industry's challenge to Obama Administration's effort to rein in mountaintop removal mining.
Six-Month Anniversary of Major Chemical Spill in West Virginia
Russell Mokhiber and Angie Rosser discuss the effects of the West Virginia chemical spill on industry regulation and citizen organizing.
World’s Oceans Face “Irreparable Damage”
The Global Ocean Commission gives world leaders a five-year window for intervention before overfishing and climate change negatively impact the world's food supply, clean air and climate stability.
Iraq and Detroit: Both Plundered by the Same Bandits
Very powerful people in boardrooms and government offices made decisions that devastated Detroit and now sneer at pleas for mercy.
Water Cut-Off in Detroit Violates Human Rights, Say Activists
A severe water crisis in financially bankrupt Detroit has prompted several NGOs to appeal for UN intervention.
Water Is a Human Right: Detroit Residents Seek UN Intervention as City Shuts Off Taps to Thousands
Activists in Detroit have appealed to the United Nations over the cityu2019s move to shut off the water of thousands of residents.
White House Meeting Logs: Big Rail Lobbying Against “Bomb Train” Regulations It Publicly Touts
Behind closed doors, the June 10 OIRA meeting makes clear that public relations pitch goes by the wayside in favor of hard-nosed lobbying muscle to avoid accountability.