
We Say Water Is a Right
2014 was a year of struggle in Ireland against water charges.

Los Angeles Imports Nearly 85 Percent of Its Water – Can It Change That by Gathering Rain?
The Water Replenishment District of Southern California wants to wean itself off imported water altogether by recycling wastewater and collecting storm water.

Panama Canal Rival: Work Starts in Nicaragua Amid Fears Over Environment and Role of China
In addition to causing tremendous, potentially irreversible environmental damage, the $50 billion dollar canal project would displace thousands of indigenous peoples.

From Rust Belt to Blue Belt: Water, Climate Change and the Reordering of the Urban US
Water tables across America, many of them formed hundreds of thousands or millions of years ago, are being over-pumped to compensate for out of control population growth and droughts …

Would You Rather Get Your Water From Your City Government – or From a Corporation?
When water is corporatized, injustice tends to flow freely.

Privateers Make a Water Grab
Facing increasing opposition abroad, over the past several decades, global water privatizers have begun to see US cities as expansion markets.

The Irish and Water: Why the Water Tax Protests Matter
Irish communities are taking to the streets to protest about a new water tax, but it's not just about water or austerity; it's about the people.

Report: US Cities Increasingly Spurn Water Privatization
Industry countering with heightened PR, policy interference.

Amending Colorado’s Constitution: Do Communities Have Right to Clean Air and Water?
The push to amend the Colorado Constitution grew out of attempts by municipalities to ban fracking in their communities but was expanded to include any laws that attempt to …

Legal Vacuum Fuels Conflicts Over Water in El Salvador
After years of delays, the legislature is finally debating a general law on water.