After the Frack: Hydraulic Fracturing’s Intense Thirst
Water withdrawals and siltation create havoc on aquatic ecosystems.
Winnemem Wintu Fight for Cultural Survival in Northern California
When Shasta Dam was built in 1945, the Winnemem lost 90 percent of their sacred and ceremonial sites.
Thirst for Truth: Who’s to Blame for Flint’s Water Crisis?
Despite complaints about the water by residents, Flint city officials have insisted that the city's water is safe.
Cities Are Finally Treating Water as a Resource, Not a Nuisance
From Houston to Melbourne, the surprising ways urban areas are dealing with water woes.
Reversing the Tide: Cities and Countries Are Rebelling Against Water Privatization, and Winning
More and more communities and governments are choosing to resist and reverse private water contracts.
“And God Is the Water”: Reflections on the EPA Spill, Power and the US Southwest
A complete reconceptualization of power is required to stop the painful death march in the US Southwest.
Deliberate Targeting of Water Sources Worsens Misery for Millions of Syrians
The conflict in Syria has destroyed much of the country's water infrastructure, leaving five million people suffering from a critical water shortage.
How to Grow More Food With Less Water
Scientists and farmers collaborate on a quest for more efficient irrigation.
Drought Relief Bill Threatens to Drown Sacred Sites of a Northern California Tribe
Members of the Winnemem Wintu tribe in California are bracing for one of their biggest environmental justice struggles yet.
Kenyan Pastoralists Fighting Climate Change Through Food Forests
The Sadhana Forest initiative is importan because it gives people the knowledge and ability to create the resilience that they will need to avoid a harsh future.