The Alchemy of Disarmament: Transforming Guns Into Shovels to Plant Trees
Liberating gun metal from its histories of murder.
As Trump and May Claim Concern for Syrian Civilians, Critics Slam Leaders for Anti-Refugee Stance
Trump has shown no compassion for Syrian refugees.
How China and the US Are Spawning a New Great Power Naval Rivalry
There is a rising tempo of naval competition in the South China Sea.
In Wake of Gaza Massacre, Israeli Leaders Should Be Prosecuted for War Crimes
It was a premeditated, hence illegal, use of deadly force.
The Dolls of Militarism: From War Hawks to Chickenhawks
Trump's team is cooking up a new war to put all the others to shame.
John Bolton’s First Day on The Job
The Last Person in the Room: John Bolton, PNAC and the End of the World
Bolton wants war wherever and whenever he can get it.
US Refusal to Negotiate With Russia Increases Likelihood of Nuclear War
The US's stance has put our planet's future in peril.
Trump Sets Deadly Precedent by Hiding Rationale for Bombing Syria
A similar attack on North Korea could be catastrophic.
Marjorie Cohn | Pentagon to Allow Nuclear Responses to Non-Nuclear Attacks
The 2018 Nuclear Posture Review is radical and unlawful.