Manufacturing Corporate-Friendly State Legislation
Truthout contributor Steve Horn explains to RNN that ALEC is only one of several right-wing organizations that write big-business-friendly model laws for state legislatures across the country.
Bain-Owned Sensata Illegally Threatens Workers for Organizing
Bain-owned Sensata threatened to retaliate and immediately close their Freeport, Ill plant if workers there don't stop protesting the outsourcing of their jobs to China.
The Progressive Struggle to Save Capitalism
Proponents of simply reforming the economic system that has failed so many so miserably might as well be saying, Thank you sir, may I have another?
Henry A. Giroux: Can Democratic Education Survive in a Neoliberal Society?
Hedge fund managers now sit on school boards across the country doing everything in their power to eliminate public schools and punish unionized teachers who do not support charter …
On Both Sides of the Border, Teachers Fight Corporatization
In both Mexico and the United States, schools are an ideological battleground.
Real Steel: Striking a Chord for the Lost American Dream
Striking steelworkers lament the lost golden era of industry and anxiously confront a future marked by perpetual decline.
The Betrayal of America’s Middle Class Was a Choice, Not an Accident
The outsourcing of good jobs, the elimination of pensions, rampant home foreclosures; skyrocketing higher education costs and mounting debt: Given these stark realities, the American middle class seems to …
Five Biggest Lies About America’s Public Schools, Debunked
In fact, your children are not doomed if they aren't lotteried into one of the top schools; and no, their teachers aren't lazy and overpaid.
Canada Proves the Decline of Unions is Not Inevitable
While it is assumed the unions have ran their course in the US, examples from places like Sweden and Canada prove that the end is not inevitable.
Striking South African Miners Charged with Murder After Police Kill 34
Major challenge to ANC government after reports that many miners were shot in the back, and now murder charges against other miners, no police charged.